Teenage Evangelical Skaters in California's Desolate Exurbs Shred with Jesus
One of the great things about nerding out at a film festival is the possibility that you will stumble on to an amazing movie that you wouldn’t have otherwise gone out of your way to see. You end up...
View ArticleThe Romantic's Guide to Holiday Gift Giving: What to Give Your Favorite Adult...
The first porn star I ever loved was named Jenteal. She was tall and strong, with clipped bangs and a wide smile. Her bio claimed some Native American heritage. On screen she was all business. I think...
View ArticleAll the PDA in Salerno
Salerno is abysmal grey against flakey pastel yellows, pinks and light greens: an awkward seaside destination with worn out exteriors. Stray dogs roam the streets, old ladies sit on park benches in...
View ArticleHow Your Girl Likes to Cum and What it Says About Her
I really hate those girls that say they cum every time from sex. Either they’re not telling the truth, in which case I hate them for being filthy liars, or they are telling the truth, in which case I...
View ArticleFashion Week Internationale: Tel Aviv Fashion Week - Teaser
Fashion Week Internationale: Tel Aviv Fashion Week arrives on VICE next Thursday, December 20.
View ArticleThe Other Falling Man
When he slammed down on Portman Avenue early on a Sunday morning last September, the thud was loud enough to stir awake some residents in London's otherwise tranquil Mortlake neighborhood. At...
View ArticleWelp, Earth Is Probably Fucked
Scientists are notorious for padding their statements for maximum accuracy. Take climatologists. They never say "mankind must stop burning fossil fuels all over the place or else civilization as we...
View ArticleReal-life Stories: There's Nothing More Damaging Than School
Perhaps the best thing about drinking is that it allows you to regress to a time far before your current years. A time where you can openly throw up in public, do sickeningly irresponsible things,...
View ArticleLooking Beneath the Waves
Adam Curtis is Britain’s greatest documentary filmmaker. He’s also one of the best artists the country has produced in recent times. While a lot of contemporary artists who became famous exhibiting in...
View ArticleFresh Off the Boat: Los Angeles - Part 1
In the first part of the LA episode, Eddie rolls through Tehrangeles and shops for Persian rugs that cost as much as cars, eats brain and tongue sandwiches, and tests out magical saffron ice cream...
View ArticleThe Walkabout Is Cambodia's Sleaziest Bar
I'm in one of the most disgusting freelancer bars in Cambodia. "It's like low tide," my Eton-educated companion snidely observes. Gazing out at the flotsam and jetsam of Phnom Penh's expat scene, I'm...
View ArticleEgypt's Revolution Is Far from Finished
Aiman high-fives and shakes my hand as he tells me how he was shot in the side in Tahrir Square during last year's January revolution. We're standing on the corner of Mohammed Mahmoud Street, a block...
View ArticleOur Official Statement On the John McAfee Saga
For the last several days VICE has been caught up in the international media frenzy that is the John McAfee saga. We have been following McAfee and filming a documentary about his bizarre and...
View ArticleAmerican Boys in Tijuana
Last month, while at the New York Art Book Fair, Los Angeles-native Michael Ray-Von was asked to help build and curate a modest, contemporary gallery in Tijuana, Mexico. Without a second thought, he...
View ArticleVICE Premiere: Yacht Club's "A Little Messed Up" Video
Toronto's Yacht Club is everything you could possibly want from a throwback dance band. Their music sounds like it poured straight out of a FM signal from the 80s, broadcast on a station designed for...
View ArticleWe Saw This: King Dude and Psychic TV
You may not know this about me, but I'm a really huge fan of King Dude. I chose his latest album as album of the month for our October issue, and even begged the dude himself, T.J. Cowgill (who also...
View ArticleCelebrate the End of the World (Year) with Sandra Bernhard at Joe's Pub
There's just a short list of things that I think about with frequent consistency. Here's that list: 1) Butts 2) Pizza 3) Cats 4) What's Sandra Bernhard up to? I've tried tweeting at Sandra Bernhard to...
View ArticleFlu Season
Fun fact: after a suicide bombing, forensic investigators immediately “look for the face mask.” The shock waves from an explosion blow the bomber’s head to smithereens but for some reason leave the...
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