Vice Blog: Part-Time Punks - Simon Doom Was NOT Fooled by Nikki S. Lee
(Photos from Nikki S. Lee: Projects) Before I was old enough to do anything REALLY fun, I would wake up at 10 AM every Saturday, spike my mohawk, and take the R train down to Astor place to sit on the...
View ArticleVice Blog: No Smoking in Lebanon
You can smoke pretty much wherever you want in the Middle East. The guy making your sandwich smokes. Gas station attendants smoke. The 85-year old lady who mends your clothes smokes. Six-year olds...
View ArticleVice Blog: David Blaine Likes Electricity So Much He Should Marry It
(Photos by Bryan Derballa) Last weekend I got majorly creeped out by David Blaine. That’s not to say he acted like a creep by trying to teleport his finger into my anus or anything like that; our...
View ArticleVice Blog: Thomas Barrow Takes an Ice Pick to His Negatives for Art's Sake
In his own words, Thomas Barrow wants to "move from the transparent, window-on-the-world form that has been photography's primary reason for being since its invention, to making it a physical object,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Baseball Is Basically a Random Number Generator
Baseball is over if you want it be. Just kidding. It’s not at all over; it’s totally just begun. Twenty-two teams are technically DOA—Texas and Atlanta are the freshest on the pile, separately...
View ArticleMore Eddy: Robamaney, Not Romney
OK, so has the dust settled yet? Probably not. The chatter around the first presidential debate is understandably frantic, and it'll continue until the two candidates meet again in two weeks. And I’ll...
View ArticleVice Blog: Taji's Mahal - Happiness Is Expensive
"A picture is worth a thousand words. I want mine to be a million words. Every photo has a exciting story behind it, and I want the viewer to see that."- Steve McClintock For this week's Mahal, I got...
View ArticleVICE Premieres: Psychobuildings' "Wonderchamber" Video
Psychobuildings are a Brooklyn based band who churn out decent and respectable electronic music. That's all well and good, but our primary reason for wanting to premiere their new video for...
View ArticleHow I Became One of the Most Successful Art Smugglers in the World
Having turned the craft of international art smuggling into an art in its own right, Michel Van Rijn was once wanted by authorities all over the world for sneaking valuable pieces of art across sea...
View ArticleChavez Has Six More Years in Power
Chavistas (Chavez supporters) and Che Guevara. This past Sunday, amid a political climate so polarized that it makes Romney and Obama look like sexed up newlyweds, Venezuela celebrated their...
View ArticleNoisey Premiered Black Bananas' "It's Cool" Video
Black Bananas have a new video and Noisey premiered it. That's it above these words I typed. You can watch it. It's for BB's song, "It's Cool," which is the first song on their old album. On top of...
View ArticleWe Talked to the Swedish Pirate Party About America's Infowar
Last week, I reported that The Pirate Bay's alleged power failure seemed to be caused by a much more complicated tangle of political happenings. It was only a matter of hours after my article was...
View ArticleWondering...: All Hail the Fifth Coming of the iPhone
A photo in the New York Post this past Sunday of an iPhone with bloody fingerprints on it lying on a blood-soaked patch of street in the West Village seemed to nail the new zeitgeist so perfectly that...
View ArticleThe Raving Outlaw Biker-Druids and Their 1575-Year-Old King
Visit Stonehenge on the summer solstice of any year and you'll see 20,000 people partying in and around the ancient rock formation. The crowd is usually made up of around one third tourists, one third...
View ArticleDeath of the American Hobo
When walking through a city, or a suburb, or a section of forest, I feel an enormous sense of relief when I come upon a set of railroad tracks. It is as if the fears and doubts and anxieties of daily...
View ArticlePhotos from Another Life
Sometimes pictures can change how we see the world and the people in it. This happened to me a few days ago, when I received a link for an amateur photography blog called Almostmemories. It features...
View ArticleWe Got Drunk on This Weird Booze Spray
You don't necessarily have to be a Shane McGowan-caliber alcoholic to enjoy regularly getting drunk in public in the middle of the day. All that boring, menial life stuff like work, school, and...
View ArticleSome Idiots Think They're Being Brainwashed by CAPTCHAs
The inspiredly-named Swedish civil rights organization, Civil Rights Defenders, recently launched their own spin on CAPTCHAs (those irritating, unintelligible words that you have to type into that...
View ArticleVICE Premieres: "Black Sea of Trees" by Northumbria
What is it about this time of year that makes me want to listen to metal, have violent sex, and then drink/eat seasonal flavored items and indulge in over-spending? Perhaps you feel the same way?...
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