Vice Blog: Franz Nicolay's Tales from Touring in Europe and China
If there was ever a song I didn't expect to hear crackling through the overmatched PA at the "nomad olympics" in Ulan Bataar, Mongolia, it was Aerosmith's "Mama Kin." It was no stranger than anything...
View ArticleVice Blog: Tonight the DOs & DON’Ts Come to LA
Hey, Angelinos, what are you doing tonight? Probably nothing, as we just googled “what is there to do in LA tonight I’m a dummy I don’t have anything to do” and got zero results. Even if you did...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: What's the Secret to Successful Dating?
Practically everyone gets married, lives with their partner, or pairs off semi-permanently at some point in their life. But when you’re single, it can seem impossible to find someone who will hang out...
View ArticleVice Blog: Get Electrified with David Blaine This Weekend
David Blaine has been buried alive for a week, frozen inside a block of ice, starved in a suspended apartment, and drowned alive, but he’s always managed to come up with a stunt that is even more...
View ArticleVice Blog: We Interviewed the Most Hated Man on the Internet
In the midst of an economic depression, there are two forms of media that have proven a cheap, foolproof way of making money: porn and reality. Everyone loves nakedness and most people love getting...
View ArticleOne-Hit Wondering: Madness
Here's how this works: Each week, I listen to the entire discography of a single one-hit wonder artist. Then, I let you know if their other songs are worth listening to or not. This week: Madness....
View ArticleVice Blog: Money Makes Monsters
Sorin Popescu is a 23-year-old Romanian pharmacy student who absolutely loves art. That might seem kind of odd, what with the whole creative brain vs. mathematical brain theory—but, when you think...
View ArticleReal-life Stories: Romance Isn't Dead, It's Just Getting Spit-Roasted in the...
In preparation for the weekend, we’ve compiled some of the darkest, seediest stories we could find to give you some inspiration on how to jam pack the next couple of days with experiences you're going...
View ArticleThe Recent Unpleasantness: Public Statement by Jerry Sandusky on His Release...
Convicted felon Jerry Sandusky will find out how long he will spend behind bars when a judge sentences the former Penn State football coach on Oct. 9....He faces a maximum of 442 years in prison. - NY...
View ArticleVice Blog: I Just Want My Big Bag of Weed Back
I’m dealing with a crisis right now that comes along once in a while for anyone who enjoys something material that can be picked up and carried away. In the process of moving between apartments...
View ArticleVice Blog: A Very Hungover Peace Get Interviewed
Brummie foursome Peace got together last autumn and swiftly signed to major label music pimps, Columbia, in March. In exchange for their signature, they demanded Columbia rent out a billboard in their...
View ArticleSlutever: V-Cards
Karley is frequently asked by readers of her blog about when, how, and with whom they should lose their virginity. But she doesn't always give the best advice because she hasn't been a virgin for a...
View ArticleVice Blog: Humanity’s Beta Versions
Photo by Fred Spoor People who aren’t scientists tend to view evolution as a linear series of incremental improvements, like one of those illustrations of a fish climbing out of the water and growing...
View ArticleBoyle's Brains: Real Pain: Future Dead Friends Tour Live Blog
Jordan Castro asked if I wanted to go on a four-day reading tour with him, Mallory Whitten, Scott McClanahan, Sam Pink, and Mike Bushnell. I said I did. A reading tour is like a music tour but with...
View ArticleVice Blog: VICE Premieres: "Train Bolt Roller" by 101 Crustaceans
This is the title track off of 101 Crustaceans' upcoming album. There is something really nice about the word "crustacean." It could remind a person of either a refreshing day at the beach, kicking up...
View ArticleVice Blog: Buy Some New Shit at Ale et Ange's Closing Out Sale
Photo by Conor Lamb We know it's hard staying fresh in the Big Apple. Every piece of gear you want to cop requires Romney-money, and you're a pauper living off slave-wages in the most expensive city...
View ArticleGirl News: What Girls Hate. Haaaaate
This column started out as “Girl News: Boys” Oh, FACE! Just kidding, jkjkjkjk. I love boys so much. Here is What Girls Hate, though. "HATE IS A VERY STRONG WORD" I think hearing this from the other...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Grisly Dead People Pictures of Fernando Brito
Mexican photographer Fernando Brito, who hails from the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa, comes across a ton of dead people while working as the photo editor of his local newspaper, El Debate. In the last...
View ArticlePen Pals: Rape-Os in Prison
A couple years back, the prestigious upstate prison I attended became flooded with rapists, sodomites, and pederasts. It’s not fun living with perverts, especially when you’re sleeping a few feet away...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: Would You Rather Be Peed on by Everyone in Japan or Have...
Did you know that the population of Japan is capable of producing 64 million liters of urine in one go? Or that it would take 69 years to have sex with every member of the opposite sex in London...
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