Noel Rodo-Vankeulen's Photography Is from Another Dimension
When our pal Mark Peckmezian told us Noel Rodo-Vankeulen was one of his favorite photographers, it was a matter of seconds before we absorbed his online portfolio and asked him to share some of his...
View ArticleThought and Memory
Ed Park has quite the résumé. He’s the former editor of the Voice Literary Supplement and one of the founding editors of the Believer. He’s taught creative writing at Columbia University and curates...
View ArticleEthical Hackers Talk Internet Terrorism, Anonymous, and DDoS Attacks
Image via OK, prepare yourself for some pretty dense internet jargon, all in the name of safety. Originally used as a form of online protest, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks—basically...
View ArticleHearing from Three Guantanamo Bay Prisoners Who've Been on Hunger Strike for...
Photo via On February 7, 2013, there was a dispute inside Guantanamo Bay over prison guards searching Qur'ans. For the following two days, inmates ate the remainder of the food they had—including...
View ArticleSaudi Arabia Isn't Having a Feminist Revolution
Saudi Arabia's first ever anti-domestic-abuse ad. When it comes to women's rights, Saudi Arabia takes baby steps to a whole new level of infancy. (In utero steps? Spermy steps?) Sure, the King Khalid...
View ArticleThe VICE Podcast Show - Stoya on Gender Roles and the Future of Monogamy
The VICE Podcast Show is a weekly unedited discussion in which we go inside the minds of some of the most interesting, creative, and bizarre people we come across. This week, host Reihan Salam talks...
View ArticleThe Strongest Dwarf in New Jersey
The author when he was smaller than he is now. Northern New Jersey looks like a cluster of idyllic suburbs, but each of those seemingly normal towns has a dark side that’s constantly gossiped about,...
View ArticleReally, Ryan?: Gay Men and Their Not-So-Cute Misogyny Problem
What’s up with all the misogyny, gay dudes? Seriously. I’m not saying you have to be deep-throating a copy of Feminine Mystique while blasting Julie Ruin, but could some of you (emphasis on SOME) not...
View ArticleHere Is Action Bronson's New Video, Featuring Riff Raff and Some Pit Bulls
Here Is Action Bronson's New Video, Featuring Riff Raff and Some Pit Bulls
View ArticleI Tested out Three Cambodian Spiritual Practices
An entrance to a Cambodian home covered in chalk drawings of crosses and skulls to ward off evil spirits. Vitray's first memories are of the tent cities in Thailand where Cambodian refugees found...
View ArticleDogmageddon: Don't Bet on the Apocalypse
Photo via Remember those billboards that were all the rage during the summer of 2011, the ones boldly claiming the world was going to end on May 21 of that year? When that didn't come to pass, they...
View ArticleHow Are We Supposed to Know What the Government Does?
Photo via Flickr user DonkeyHotey You should probably be afraid, at least a little, of the federal government. The reason for this doesn’t have anything to do with conspiracy theories about...
View ArticleMy Dead Grandparents Make My Mom Win Big in Vegas
I’m on unemployment and I just lost 600 of your tax dollars in Las Vegas. It was a pretty good week in Vegas, actually, aside from the losing money I don’t have part. The purpose of being there wasn’t...
View ArticleLas Vegas Needs to Get Creative with Its Homeless Problem
Photos by Nate Miller In a turn of events that shocked absolutely no one, the Sacramento Bee revealed today that Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas has been “deporting” its homeless...
View ArticleLet VICE School You on the Web This Internet Week
You think you know everything about the internet because you managed to bookmark a few free porn sites and up-voted some Grumpy Cat meme's on Reddit? Well, there's a lot more to the web than carnal...
View ArticleHere Comes the White-Power Safety Patrol
Members of the White Student Union, from left to right (they agreed to participate on condition we only used their first names): Sean, Ken, Paddy, Matthew Heimbach, Addie, and Shayne. Photos by...
View ArticleDid a Murderer Just Give Himself Away on Yelp?
Image via Yelp On May 3rd, a 36-year-old Iraq war veteran and college student named Maribel Ramos (pictured above right) was reported missing by her family, after failing to turn up to several events...
View ArticleThe Cosmic Adventures of Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire
The Cosmic Adventures of Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire
View ArticleI'm Hunting Down the Fat Fetishist Who Has My Stolen Laptop
The culprit masturbating :( There's nothing like the feeling that washes over you when you realize you've had something important stolen. It's an unsettling blend of confusion and sorrow that should...
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