Did I Discover YelaWolf?
When you’re really busy, it’s easy to forget normal things like “Where are my keys?” or “Did I blow out those candles?” or “When was the last time I showered, cuz my hair kinda smells like a dog?” or...
View ArticleVICE News: Triple Hate - Part 1
NEWS The Wizard of the Saddle Rides Again Is a Park in Memphis, Tennessee, the Epitome of Racism in Modern America? The KKK Say It’s Just History, Many Others Disagree By Rocco Castoro A...
View ArticleTao Lin's iPhone Photos of Taipei: Taipei Signs
Over the next few weeks, in celebration of the forthcoming release of Tao Lin's latest novel, Taipei, we will be featuring a weekly selection of photos taken by the author during his recent trip to...
View ArticleOxford Has Put Heavy Metal, Mesopotamians, and Noh Theater Together at Last
A few weeks ago, ads started circulating around Oxford for a new play so strange that they actually inspired some folks to stop, cock their heads, and squint in befuddlement. The collective double...
View ArticleMy Week with Hungary's Far Right
Members of Magyar Nemzeti Garda, a Hungarian nationalist militia. Hungary has one of the most highly organized far-right movements in Europe. The Jobbik party—admired by those fed up with government...
View ArticleThe Worst Restaurant in the World
It's a poorly kept secret that most of the world thinks Los Angeles is a shithole. The only question is, where is the epicenter of shit? Where do all the horrible crawling things in LA congregate,...
View ArticleJodorowsky's 'Dune' Would Have Been More Insane Than You Can Even Imagine
Jodorowsky's 'Dune' Would Have Been More Insane Than You Can Even Imagine
View ArticleAlexis Neiers’s Pretty Wild Road to Recovery
In a hundred years, when historians are looking back at reality TV shows to understand what the fuck was going on in American culture during the nation’s decline, there are going to be dozens, if not...
View ArticleNick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #88
Hello, Every week or so I use this column as a space to discuss and review comics, fine art, illustration, and general nerd interest in the e-pages of VICE magazine. This is the second week in a row...
View ArticleTeens Are Being Trapped in Abusive 'Drug Rehab Centers'
Josh Shipp from Lifetime TV's Teen Trouble. (Image via) If you like Army Wives, Preachers’ Daughters, Dance Moms, or any other TV show attempting to create a taxonomy of women based on the professions...
View ArticleI Don't Have the Stones to Be a Crime Reporter
Last summer, I filed a story about a 12-year-old girl from London who'd failed to return home one Friday afternoon. People of all ages go missing in London all the time, so, although obviously sad, it...
View ArticleGet Rich or High Trying
Image collage by Courtney Nicholas. “At this moment in history, you've got to choose between being in favor of legalization, or being against 'the system.'” Mason Tvert is leading a quick tour of...
View ArticleThe Loneliness of the Village at the End of the World
The "village at the end of the world" – Niaqornat, Greenland. In Niaqornat, Greenland, every morning a man collects buckets full of his neighbors’ shit, which he loads into a wheelbarrow and dumps...
View ArticleRave and Hardcore YouTube Comments Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity
A playlist of all the rave/hardcore tracks people in this blog have commented on. You should probably listen to it as you read. It's commonly held knowledge that most YouTube comments rank up there...
View ArticleAustralian Scientists Think We Can Grow Our Limbs Back Like Salamanders
Australian Scientists Think We Can Grow Our Limbs Back Like Salamanders
View ArticleJuggalos Are OK, Cupid
Screenshot via OkCupid Juggalos Something like 70 percent of the internet is people going, “Hey did you see this cute/funny/sad/tragic/OMG/WTF/fail thing?” and passing around the meme du jour—a wacky...
View ArticleAmy’s Baking Company's Grand Reopening Nearly Bored Me to Death
Reality TV peaked long ago, yet millions still tune into hundreds of shows that try to wring drama out of every petty excuse for a first world problem. Nothing is sacred and an undercurrent of...
View ArticleWatch Japanther's Kaleidoscopic New Video for "Stolen Flowers"
I've been instructed by VICE's supreme overlords to always adopt a "global" tone in my writing, one that doesn't single out a specific city as any better than, say, Decatur, Illinois. The truth is, me...
View ArticleMarc Maron Is the King of Twitter
I can be a dick. — marc maron (@marcmaron) May 14, 2013 If you’re on Twitter, you’re a narcissist. If you’re a celebrity, you’re a bigger narcissist. If you’re a celebrity on Twitter, you’re an even...
View ArticlePump It Up
River Island top and earrings, Nike shorts PHOTOS: ANNA RYON STYLING: LOLA CHATTERTON Hair and Make-up: Xabier Celaya Fashion Assistant: Olivia Pigeon Models: Ayesha, Nikoline, Rosie, Daniela, Anna,...
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