Who’s Getting Rich off the Prison-Industrial Complex?
Image via You likely already know how overcrowded and abusive the US prison system is, and you probably are also aware that the US has more people in prison than even China or Russia. In this age of...
View ArticleVICE News: Sisa: Cocaine of the Poor - Part 1
NEWS AUSTERITY'S DRUG OF CHOICE Sisa Is Destroying the Lives of Athens’s Homeless People By Alex Miller A meeting with an anarchist in Exarcheia, a district of Athens. Photos by Henry Langston....
View ArticleDodging Water Cannons and Sound Bombs at Israel's Catastrophe Day
I arrived in Jerusalem on Nakba Day expecting shit to get wild. But the speed with which the demonstration went from zero to fucked shocked even me, a relative veteran of the West Bank protest scene....
View ArticleVICE on HBO Extended: The Fat Farms of Mauritania
In Mauritania, a country crippled by food shortages, obesity is viewed as a sign of wealth and prestige in a woman. To attain Mauritanian standards of beauty, many women undergo the practice of...
View ArticleRob Ford, the World's Greatest Mayor, Smokes Crack
There came a point on Thursday afternoon—after learning that Toronto mayor Rob Ford had taken some time off from an important city-council meeting to wander around a parking lot sticking "Rob Ford"...
View ArticleGangsta Boo Reviews Azealia Banks, MIA, Iggy Azalea, Brooke Candy, and More
Photo by Nick Gazin Gangsta Boo is hip-hop legend. As the sole female member of the epochal Three 6 Mafia during the late 90s and early 2000s, she helped forge a space for females in hardcore rap,...
View ArticleThe Mercy Rule: Hearing the Spurs
Photo via Flickr user Keith Allison The story of my parents’ lives can be read, or at least inferred, through their record collection. There is a long period of album purchases that suggests they were...
View ArticleTubesteak: How to Hone Your Gaydar to Perfection
Of all the gifts that God supposedly bestowed upon gay men—a dandy fashion sense, preternatural design abilities, a predilection for the word "fabulous"—the gaydar is both the handiest, and the most...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: How Would You Feel if Your Mayor Smoked Crack?
Photo via Flickr user marc falardeau As you’ve probably heard by now, Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto and the hearts of young people everywhere, smokes crack, or at least there is a video that multiple...
View ArticleThis Week in Racism: Former Italian Prime Minister Dressed up Strippers to...
I'm not sure if this story about Barack Obama is actually racist or just really disturbing, but we're going to run it through the This Week in Racism "Racism-o-Meter" anyway, and see what comes out....
View ArticleA New Episode of Our TV Show Is Airing Tonight
Here at the VICE HQ we have a gigantic hourglass that we reset each week to count down the days until the next week's HBO show. It takes ten interns all heaving at once to flip it, and the chances of...
View ArticleRat Tail: The Debut Single
Photos by Janicza Bravo The following is an excerpt from the liner notes of Rat Tail’s one and only album, The Motorola Pimp. His whereabouts are unknown. We do know that he seemed to be on the rise...
View ArticleTaji's Mahal: Shredding with Galen DeKemper
For this week's Mahal, I got to catch up with Galen DeKemper about his latest skate video, MMM. Galen has been shredding New York City for the last decade. When he is off his board, he can be found...
View ArticleSome Photographs from the All About Pets Show
After 20 years, the All About Pets Show remains Canada's largest pet convention. Every year, this celebration of domestic animal life goes down in Mississauga's International Centre, next to the...
View ArticleMeet the Malaysian Neo-Nazis Fighting for a Pure Malay Race
A couple of years ago, my friend moved out to Malaysia in search of a life where a winter wardrobe isn't a thing and you don't have to worry about stuff like moronic bro culture or seeing Kim K's face...
View ArticleI Went Snooping Around Nicolas Cage's House
My favorite four things in this world are 1) bargains, 2) rich people's houses, 3) celebrities who have been famous for so long they're losing their grip on reality, and 4) snooping through other...
View ArticleWeediquette: All I Got For My Birthday Was Pie and Vomit
If my calculations are correct, my birthday falls on a Saturday every seven years. This year I realized that my enthusiasm for Saturday birthdays is nowhere near where it was when it last occurred on...
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