Weediquette - Finding Weed on Tour
Photo by Nick Milo When I’m not sitting at home in my easy chair, puffing on a corncob pipe and ruminating on what captivating aspect of the marijuana world I’m going to traverse in the next...
View ArticlePeople Who Think They Can Change the World with 'Free Hugs' Are Fatuous...
Hey, have you ever wondered what a more fatuous and less focused version of Occupy would look like, but lacked the requisite brain power to actually imagine it? Well, wonder no more: These guys all...
View ArticleAn Interview with a Member of a Human Safari Tribe
Members of the Jarawa tribe, courtesy of Survival International. Weirdly, I've never had my daily routine interrupted by a cart full of strangers shouting, pointing and throwing food at me. Sadly, the...
View ArticleBefore Midnight Makes You Want to See More
Earlier this year, VICE Films and Grolsch Film Works teamed up with the directors Harmony Korine, Alexey Fedorchenko and Jan Kwiecinski to make a three-part film called The Fourth Dimension. Now,...
View ArticleErwecke Deine Nacht: COME GET FELT UP
Come Get Felt Up ist ein lang laufendes Event im The Book Club im hippen Shoreditch. Party-Veranstalter Nathan und Anna Crawley unterhalten ihre Gäste mit einem Abend voller Live-Musik, Tanz &...
View ArticleA Porn Story: My Weekend Behind the Scenes at the AVN Awards (Part Two)
There is this nonsensical assumption that no decent woman would ever want to have anal sex. Anal sex is for whores. The kind of women men gladly fuck, but would never take home to mother. Even Jesse...
View ArticleYours for the making: HIP HOP KARAOKE
Hip Hop Karaoke is the much loved party at The Social in Soho thrown by DJ and promoter Rob Pursey. An eclectic mix of guests come together every Thursday night to throw down some of their favourite...
View ArticleDeterminism and Its Enemies Are Still Waging War Over the Soul of Science
At either extreme of the nature vs. nurture debate, each proposes there are things in life we cannot control, particularly the circumstances of our birth. We don't choose our parents and their...
View ArticleThe Public Domain Review Shows You History's Best Out-of-Copyright Art
All works of art eventually fall out of copyright. The laws surrounding the topic vary from country to country and case to case, but the symphonies of Beethoven, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky, for example,...
View ArticleA Letter From Chopper to my Sister
Back in the ‘90s my sister was a PR hound for a bunch of of Australian record labels. She worked in converted car-hold office spaces all over Melbourne and when I was 13 she roped me in to pack CDs...
View ArticleToé, the 'Witchcraft Plant' That's Spoiling Ayahuasca Tourism
Maybe you know it as the angel's trumpet, or Hell's bells, or simply Brugmansia, a genus of flowering plant with seven recognized species. Whatever the case, toé is notorious. Every part of the plant...
View ArticleWhat Does Obama Know About 3D-Printed Guns?
It's been just over two months since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and the once-raging debate over gun control has slowed to a sputter. It's not so much that people aren't talking...
View ArticleJohnny Marr Takes Music and Fashion Seriously
Photo by Kevin Shea Adams Music and fashion go together like pedophiles and children. It’s always been an uneasy, somewhat forced relationship that results from perversion and mental illness. Johnny...
View ArticleDisasters Made in Bangladesh
Photos by Syed Zain Al-Mahmood W e still don’t know exactly how many of Swapna’s coworkers were killed at the Tazreen Fashions factory on November 24, 2012. She was sewing shorts—“half-pants,” they’re...
View ArticleChristian Patterson and the Trail of Dead
In 1958, in a shitty neighborhood of Lincoln, Nebraska, Charlie Starkweather, a disgruntled teenage tough who was mad at the world, and his 14-year-old girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate, murdered Caril’s...
View ArticleGetting Fresh with Wilbert: Black Man in a Dress
Photo by Jamie Taete for the VICE NYFW Photo Blog. There were a lot of powerful scenes in Quentin Tarantino’s “crap masterpiece” Django Unchained. But the film’s most haunting moment for me was when...
View ArticleChunklet to Go Go : Best Musical Questions for the 21st Century—Kim Fowley...
“The loneliness of a visionary is that you might be the only one in the universe at that time who recognizes magic. I’m a magical person, and so I recognize other magical people. It takes ones to know...
View ArticleBritain's Nazi Punk Scene Is Alive and Limping
Aging skinheads were forced to flee East London last weekend after a gig that a load of neo-Nazis were expected to attend was cancelled by the mayor of Newham. Despite the fact that the show was...
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