Why Can You Go to Prison for Making Scat Porn?
Ira Isaacs is going to jail for making shit porn. CORRECTION: The original version of this story was titled "Why Is the Guy Who Made 2 Girls 1 Cup Going to Jail?" Ira Isaacs, the "guy" in question,...
View ArticleI Want to Remember Ray Lewis As a Crazy Person
Ray Lewis, the longtime defensive stalwart/crazy person of the Baltimore Ravens, might be playing in his final NFL game on Sunday. We could have said the exact same thing last week, or the week...
View ArticleSawdust Stories: A Predator's Guide to Breaking Up
A sawdust joint is an end-of-the line kind of gambling parlor. It's a place without frills and pretension.This column will be about gambling and gamblers; about regular people who play games for...
View ArticleESGN... With Freddie Gibbs: Screw Bud Selig, Screw Hypocrisy, and Screw You
God bless America. I'm not saying that to be facetious—I really do love this motherfucker. This is the land of getting over. The land of second or even third chances; the land of doing whatever you...
View ArticleSo Far Inside We’re Already Dead
The other night I hosted a comedy show booked last minute from a roaming cell phone in the passenger seat of a 1996 Honda Accord with Maryland plates. The venue was an abandoned Polish bar rumored to...
View ArticlePremiere of Daddy’s “Love in the Old Days (Kolour Kult Remix)” Video Directed...
James Franco has his thumb in a lot of pies, as they say, and these days most of them are stuffed with gooey fillings of the artistic variety. So we were more thrilled than surprised when a freshly...
View ArticleWeather Did Not Destroy This Man's House Part 0
The man beside me drops a pill in his mouth, swallows it with a sip of tea, and together from beneath a thin angle of shade, we stare out at the dirt road and beyond it to the smog heavy skyline of...
View ArticleStories You Won’t Hear While Shopping for Music Online: Day One
In this new column, Kathy Iandoli tells stories from her five-year stint as a record store sales associate. This one is about pee. A guy pissed on the floor my first day of work. He was an older man,...
View ArticleNick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #80
Dear Comic Booksters, I'm in an art show that opens on Friday in Savannah, Georgia. The show features Jonny Negron, Lala Albert, Kris Mukai, and about a million other people. I'll be there taking...
View ArticleTaji's Mahal - Costa Rica with Hitch
When my aunt picked me and Jade up at the San Jose Airport, she introduced us to her good friend, Hitch. Little did we know that he would be one of the best travel companions ever. Our bonding...
View ArticleFightland: The Tornado and the Beach
The story is as crucial as crucial could have ever been. We're talking Grimm's fairy tale crucial. A family goes out one day, in this instance to a beach, and a boy, their boy, falls asleep, face down...
View ArticleAn Honest Man's Advice for Studying Abroad in Africa
It’s an interesting inconsistency of liberal American culture that in spite of happily organizing our lives around First World technology and creature comforts, we encourage youths to experience life...
View ArticleMeet Carl Tanner: Bounty Hunter, Trucker, Operatic Tenor
(Photographs courtesy of Carl Tanner) He packed a sawed-off shotgun back in his bounty hunting days and carried it right out in front so everyone could see. Under his black leather jacket was a 9mm...
View ArticleHey Man, Nice Shot - Video of a Bulgarian Politician Escaping Assassination
Bulgarian opposition leader Ahmed Dogan survived an attempted assassination today in the nation’s capital Sofia after a gunman rushed the lectern where the leader of the Movement for Rights and...
View ArticleObseshes: Self-Imposed Chocolate Poisoning
OK you guys this is going to be a tough read because I did it while I was bent over at the waist—or like between being bent over, but not for long because sitting up is real, real hard—because I ate...
View ArticleWas Lance Armstrong Taking Jerk-Enhancing Drugs?
The interview that Lance Armstrong gave to Oprah Winfrey was a masterful slice of a never-ending sports-fabulism spectacle, and while it made for good TV at times, it was also nearly infuriating to...
View ArticleChipping Away at Stop-and-Frisk
Fifty-one-year-old Charles Bradley finished his shift as a security guard and took the subway to visit his fiancée. The two had made plans to meet the day before. Charles moved out of the apartment...
View ArticleWeediquette – The Serene Stonedness of Dabbing Errl
I am not a pothead. Sure, I smoke a shit ton of weed, talk about it a fair amount, and go to great lengths to ensure that I always have some. But to me, it is merely a lifestyle choice. For my new...
View ArticleWomen's MMA Comes of Age
Not so long ago, you never in a million years would have thought that a UFC event would be headlined by a pair of female fighters. Not so long ago, you never would have dreamed that there’d be female...
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