How to Not Get Fat Through Rap
So I came across this weird music video slash cartoon last night and it said that if you take 80 bites of your food then your stomach will be too full to overeat. The video is about this rapping...
View ArticleDry Heat
Again bodysuit, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, Alexis Rei necklace Photos By Amanda Charchian, Stylist: Annette Lamothe-Ramos Photo Assistant: Marc Gabor Fourcade; Stylist Assistant: Alexis Kawahara;...
View ArticleRecords
#outerdiv { width:100%; height:auto; overflow:hidden; position:relative; } #leftreview { position:relative; width:310px; height:auto; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px; } #rightreview { position:relative;...
View ArticleEpicly Later'd: Eric Dressen - Part 1
Epicly Later'd steps out of its 90s comfort zone with a skater who's been pro for five decades. Yes, five decades. Turning pro in 1978 at the age of 13, and then going on to become a pioneer of street...
View ArticleThe 12-Step Program for Lance Armstrong's Image
After 15 years of denial, obfuscation, and single-handedly creating the worst fashion trend of the 21st century, Lance Armstrong is finally ready to admit to the world—or Oprah, same difference—that...
View ArticleWe Saw This: Alberich
Last week I went to see Alberich play at Saint Vitus with Natural Assembly, Åmes Sanglantes, Terrorism, and Cremation Lily. The show was noteworthy for three reasons. First, Alberich, the shining star...
View ArticleFringes: Venom Superman
The hemotoxins in a tree viper's venom attack human blood cells and can result in an agonizing death in less than 30 minutes. The neurotoxins in a cobra bite can kill a person in half that time. So...
View ArticleThe Jim Jones of Poetry
There’s something of the psychopathic violent child in the writing of Rauan Klassnik. He makes drawings that look like this: His blog is full of obsessive posts about Nicholas Cage and guns and...
View ArticleI'm on the Fence About This Breast Milk Baby Doll
Around mid-December I fell into a frenzy of emailing pretty much any manufacturer of any product I could think of, in hopes of having free shit sent to me. I received so many wonderful, and so many...
View ArticleManti Te’o: Another Narrative Bites the Dust
I’m not as much of a fan of the nerdier-than-thou webcomic XKCD as I used to be, but this one-panel strip has stuck with me: It gets at something that not many fans or commenters like to...
View ArticleTransform Your Facebook Profile into a 3D Printed Sculpture
In the age of “Big Data,” data visualizations are all over the place, giving insight into the election, the economy, pop culture, and even who we are as people. The Creators Project, however, wanted...
View ArticleThese Italian Dwarfs Love Getting Their Bones Broken
Achondroplasia is a form of dwarfism caused by a genetic mutation, affecting one in 20,000 people. In Italy, there are about 2,500 people living with achondroplasia. Italian dwarfs, as opposed to...
View ArticleEVE Online, Offline: A Chat with the Geeks Living Inside an Interstellar...
We'd been hearing about EVE, the massively popular multiplayer online game, for a while now, but still had hardly any idea what the hype was all about. What happens in the EVE universe? And what...
View ArticleThe Sad-Ass Guide to Being a Man
William Cody Watson, the man behind our Sad-Ass Music column, came up with his very own guide to being a man. Although he claims to not really know what he's doing when it comes to all that, we think...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: What's Wrong with Eating Horses?
If you're reading this, that means you have the internet, which means you've probably seen the BBC story about UK supermarkets Tesco, Iceland, Lidl, and Aldi using horse meat in their burgers, and the...
View ArticleCry Baby of the Week
It's time once again to name-and-shame some ickle sad grumpy-pants: Cry-Baby #1: Ed McGovern (via) The incident: Some lesbians ate in a restaurant. The appropriate response: Nothing. The actual...
View ArticleMusic World: The Only Record Store in Mauritania
While filming in Africa we passed through Nouakchott, Mauritania, and decided to stop in at the country's only record store, Saphir D'or. Turns out, it rules! We chatted with Ahmede Valle, shop...
View ArticleHey Ron!: Hey Ron! Should I Marry a Manslut?
Hey Ron! I'm turning 30 in a few weeks. My marriage countdown clock is doing that beeping thing time bombs do when they're closing in on zero. I’ve been dating the perfect guy. We've known each other...
View ArticleHere Is What the Urban Dictionary Looks Like on Google Images
Earlier this year London-based artist Ben West designed a Google Images dictionary titled, simply, "Google." The idea behind the 1,200-plus-page book was simple: Design some software to select and...
View ArticleWe Interviewed Guitarist Duane Denison about Tomahawk’s New Album, and Sexual...
Tomahawk is a band comprised of grand experimenting kingpins Mike Patton (Faith No More, Fantômas), Duane Denison (the Jesus Lizard), John Stanier (Battles, Helmet), and Trevor Dunn (Mr. Bungle,...
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