The Revolution Is Still Going on in Egypt—in Tiny Flashes
Cairo’s Tahrir Square is permanently occupied these days. Though the wave of unrest that swept Egypt after embattled President Mohamed Morsi’s consolidation of power in November 2012 has subsided, the...
View ArticleWijbe Abma Started a Charity in a Syrian War Zone
Wijbe Abma Kilis, like most border towns, feels like a bastardized, slightly less-racist Wild West: gossip spreads, people pass through, supplies (legal and otherwise) are bought and sold. In this...
View ArticleShorties: Nimrod at the Venice Film Festival - Part 1
Master troll Nimrod Kamer heads to the Venice Film Festival and messes with Willem Dafoe, Pierce Brosnan, Harvey Weinstein, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Nimrod recently subscribed to a website called...
View ArticleAmphetamine Logic: Goodbye to All That (the End for Now)
Photo by Tommy Mas Amphetamine Logic was kind of making me psychotic. I sat down for lunch with my agent at an overpriced bistro on Park Avenue South. "So Cat," Byrd Leavell, literary agent...
View ArticleSad-Ass Music #5
Alright let's get all up in this shit. So the world, in fact, DID NOT END on December 21. I know this because I was sitting pretty with my roommates, in the living room of our house, ripping the...
View ArticleThe New Narco-Cash Laundering World Bank
When it comes to big drugs, big crimes, and bigger money, it's tough to look away from the latest, greatest, mind-boggling deal. It's tough, say, to stop listening for any echo ringing off the wrist...
View ArticleWill a Pink Blob Be the Next Mozart?
The launch of Pandora radio in January 2000 was a high-water mark for computers deciding what music you want to hear. It's since spawned a number of similar concepts, notably Songza, which partners...
View ArticleA Moon for the Moon
A manned mission to an asteroid has been bandied about for a while as the next big human spaceflight venture. But getting to an asteroid is tricky. They’re small and quick, making it complicated...
View ArticleWith and Without My Ritalin
It comes on as a heat. A warmth starts in my chest and gradually spreads into my neck and arms. For me, ADHD is not a static condition. It comes in squalls. My life is lived between the poles of who I...
View ArticleThe First Time I Got Eaten Out
Home for the holidays for the first time in two years, I found myself in my childhood bedroom looking through old photos. Among all the glossies of me as a totally hot teen with overly plucked...
View ArticleHello, I Am Going to Die Because I Killed People
h A few months ago, a death-row inmate from Nevada sent our music editor, Kelly McClure, a fan letter. His name is Scott Dozier, and he seems like a nice guy on paper—on the other hand, he did steal...
View ArticleCry-Baby of the Week
It's time to shame two massive pussies again! Cry-Baby #1: Mark Giles The incident: A man found porn on a second-hand Nintendo 3DS that he bought his son for Christmas. The appropriate response:...
View ArticleDelicious with Mish Episode Eleven: Featuring Liza Thorn of Starred
Liza Thorn of Starred is one of these people that kept popping up on my radar and I didn’t really know why. We have common friends. We follow one another on the internet. We know one another’s bands...
View ArticleOur Mystic Gave Us the Inside Scoop on 2013
Illustration by Kerry Zentner The year 2012 didn’t end up being the apocalyptic Mayan bloodbath we all expected. So, since we're going to be dicking around here for a while longer, what can we expect...
View ArticleAsexuality: The People's Choice for People Who Don't Want ANYONE
Minerva isn’t gay. A fluid conversationalist, the Massachusetts native has been artfully rehashing this point for the last three hours. "I have been told I could easily be mistaken as a lesbian," she...
View ArticleTalkin''Bout the Boards: Animals Have No Concept of Money
Oh, Hello There! There comes a time in every person's life when they are driven by some invisible force to clumsily type their opinions onto a website that they do not own nor have any real reason to...
View ArticleHere's as Close to a Premiere of the New Death Grips Video as You're Gonna Get
As has been proven in recent months, Death Grips are some renegade fuckers (and we love them for it), so their new video for "Come Up And Get Me" was already self-posted on their Youtube. Here's as...
View ArticleThe Best Worst Cases of Player vs. Coach Violence
I find it terribly exciting to see violence between players and their coaches in team sports. This isn't because I’m some kind of drooling psychopath who gets off on watching vapid mongoloids pummel...
View ArticleTao Lin Talks to Tyrant Re: “Taipei”
The interview below was conducted in the wee hours of the morning (from 1 to 4 AM) on the bed of Tao Lin, in his apartment on the east side of Manhattan, with a small party going on in the other...
View ArticleHealing Hank Is the Spiritual Advisor to the Fashion Elite
Unlike the ubiquitous folding-stands on New York’s 7th Avenue that advertise Tarot and palm readings, Hank Hivnor’s psychic business is a well-kept secret among the city’s artists and fashionistas....
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