Beef and Oil
Bar G Feeders, Hereford, Texas—Thirty-five percent of farms in the US are devoted to raising cattle for beef, making this type of farm the most common in the country. Brahaney Oil Field, Plains,...
View ArticleThe VICE Guide to Adulthood
We are so sick of you full-grown babies running around aimlessly—with your shoes untied and overdraft-fee receipts falling out of your pockets and grease stains on your cut-offs and...
View ArticleA Few Pieces of Toilet Paper
Styling: Sarah Grittini; Hair and makeup: Lorenzo Zavatta; Photographer’s assistant: Alberto Zanetti; Set design: Charlotte Mello Teggia For a few years now, Maurizio Cattelan (who just exhibited a...
View ArticleBest of the Best of 2012: Pitchfork
Reading Pitchfork is like watching your Granddad try to open a CD and it’s taking forever because his old hands don’t work, and he doesn’t know the trick where you take it off the hinges, and anyway...
View ArticleThe 40-Year-Old Town at the End of the World
Photos by Eunice Adorno In July, Nueva Jerusalén, a small town of about 3,000 in the western Mexican state of Michoacán, was all over the news. A group of what the media dubbed “religious fanatics”...
View ArticleNathaniel Russell's Dog Isn't Really Missing
Way back in September I was wandering around the massive New York Art Book Festival at PS1 when I discovered a little zine by Nathaniel Russell featuring handwritten and xeroxed flyers, the kind you...
View ArticleThe Cute Show Page!: Hawaiian Monk Seals!
Photo by iStockphoto/JimmyAnderson The Cute Show Page! is normally meant to incite feelings of love, purity, and happiness—all the stuff that tugs at the ol’ heartstrings and makes you want to hum...
View ArticleThe VICE Guide to Sex: Mandingo! Part 2
Art organizes a BBQ so we can get to know his friends from the Mandingo lifestyle. It doesn’t all go to plan. We then travel to one of Miami’s most notorious sex hotels, the Rooftop in Hollywood. Here...
View ArticleMy Life with Big Men
.sup{font-size:xx-small; vertical-align:top; line-height: 8px;} Photos courtesy of Robert Wiener Zaire’s president, Mobutu Sese Seko (on the right) and Robert pose for a souvenir photo in Gbadolite,...
View ArticleDelicious with Mish Episode Ten: Featuring Mac DeMarco
If you have not heard of the Montreal crooner Mac DeMarco by now you have been living under a rock or in a ham sandwich or something. In this special episode of Delicious with Mish, my good pal Mac...
View ArticleMaking Friends at Stonehenge for the End of the World
“It’s all about a magnetic shift in the Earth’s polarity,” he breathed at me. No matter where he seemed to be looking, Ross’s eyes were staring at something far beyond anything extant in our reality....
View ArticleLi'l Thinks: Realness, to the Extreme
Illustration by Penelope Gazin Most of us suck, and most of life is sucky. Considered another way, everything is the worst. But it’s for the best. (Probably? Maybe.) That individuals and...
View ArticleHamilton's Pharmacopeia: Hamilton and the Philosopher's Stone Part 1
STUFF SHROOM BAN MEANS MORE MAGICAL TRUFFLES FOR THE NETHERLANDS By Hamilton Morris Photos by Hamilton Morris and Santiago Stelley A large pile of freshly cleaned Psilocybe atlantis. In the bucolic...
View ArticlePopping the Marks: How Not to Sound Like an Asshole When Talking About Islam
Operating on the assumption that Islam exists as one singular, absolute, and coherent entity that is understood and experienced by each of the world’s billion-plus Muslims in more or less the same...
View ArticleWe Need More Crazies on the Fiscal Cliff
Here is a partial list of things Congress and the White House won’t do in response to the so-called “fiscal cliff”—the combination of tax hikes and spending cuts we’re set to face in 2013 if the...
View ArticleProlate Spheroid Preview: What I Want from the NFL in 2013
First of all, I want football to continue to happen and not cease to exist because the world has been devastated by disease/war/starvation/robots and we no longer care about frivolous things like what...
View ArticleAnother Year on the Final Frontier
This year was a big one for exoplanets. Astronomers added a slew of candidates to the thousands-long list of potential exoplanets and confirmed fifteen off that list to be the real thing. But we still...
View ArticleThe Kids Are Alright, Getting Less Fat
If you’re a parent who celebrates Christmas, right about now your kids may be dealing with a gnarly sugar hangover from all the cookies, gingerbread, pie, candy canes, and chocolate Santas--basically...
View ArticleTaji's Mahal - Post-Apocalyptic Roll
For this week's Mahal, I decided it would be a good idea to get that one last roll of film developed that has been marinating in my camera for the last few months in light of the Mayan apocalypse....
View ArticleImagining Justin Bieber’s Horrifying Future Parties
In 1982, Prince declared that he would party like it’s 1999, the year before the predicted millennial apocalypse. Prince wasn’t necessarily saying that the world would end in the year 2000, but he was...
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