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View ArticleTheft from Above
By now, we've probably all seen the instant viral sensation from Montréal "Golden Eagle Snatches Kid." We've also probably all come to the sobering realization that it is, in fact, a fake. The...
View ArticleA Home at the End of Time
Robert Vicino wants it to be clear he’s not a religious man. He is, like a lot of Southern Californians I’ve met, what he calls “highly spiritual.” So when he talks about the apocalyptic “message” he...
View ArticleYoung Americans: Part 7: Immigration
Living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, how much of an impact does the nation's immigration system have in our lives?
View ArticleTattoo Age: Thom deVita Part 5
It's the final part of Thom deVita's Tattoo Age series, and we have a lot of ground to cover. So please sit back and relax as we go from the days when tattoo artists didn't wear gloves while working...
View ArticleAnonymous' Battle Against the Westboro Baptist Church
Fred Phelps, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church. Update 2: The Twitter account for Fred Phelps Jr. was hacked by "Cosmo the God," who Wired confirmed was also the hacker responsible for...
View ArticleHere's Why Taylor Swift Will Never Be Called a Whore
I know this puts me in the minority, but I've never been a huge Taylor Swift fan. It’s great that she's the highest grossing pop star under the age of 30 and everything, and that she's worth $56...
View ArticleGuns in the Sun
The original version of this article appeared in the print edition of VICE’s December Hopelessness Issue. It was sent to press two weeks before Friday’s massacre in Newtown, Connecticut—one that...
View ArticleThe Mercy Rule: Taken
Most sports fans, it’s worth noting, are high-functioning human beings. They can talk about sports without gratuitous lapses into the first-person plural; they don’t get dewy-eyed watching Gatorade...
View ArticleBest of the Best of 2012: The Onion’s A.V. Club
The grim, ugly duty of making fun of everybody ever continues. I am strung out. I hate my life. I am a bitter man in a gas-heated hovel located on the dark side of the planet, Chicago, USA. I don’t...
View ArticleWe Went on the Coachella Cruise. We Sailed the Seas of Coachella.
As Coachella's first ever cruise sailed to the Bahamas and back this week, it went whole hog into the leisure zone. You might expect a lot of craziness from the folks who bring you an annual hot, dry,...
View ArticlePhotographer Barrett Emke's Affirmative Psychic Energy
These photographs were made this past fall in Kansas City and Lawrence, Kansas. Now it's almost Christmas and soon it will be a new year. Looking at these pictures, I see affirmations—a psychic energy...
View ArticleUltimate Fighter Jonathan Brookins Is Leaving for India
Up until about the third minute of his fight last weekend in Las Vegas, UFC featherweight and Ultimate Fighter winner Jonathan Brookins was actually beating up Dustin Poirier. This seemed to surprise...
View ArticleWorld Peace Update
Last week was a joint effort by some butthurt loyalists in Belfast, some Chilean pig murderers, and some Bangladeshi police to band together and ruin my Christmas spirit. Well, fuck you guys, because...
View ArticleHow Canadian Police Overlooked a Serial Killer
Back in December 2011, while producing an article about the state of First Nations women in Canada we interviewed Anishinaabe activist Audrey Huntley. She gave us some valuable insights into...
View ArticleRunning on Empty
According to the Bible, right after God pooped out humanity, He told us, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and...
View ArticleFrom Bushland to Indie Pop: Panama
Jarrah McCleary grew up in the bushland of Australia’s Northern Territory. The clichés were true. It was a home riddled with dingoes, aborigine people, and crocodiles roaming amidst the sticky heat....
View Article2012 in Cocktails: The Flaming Mitt
In one of the more epic presidential races in living memory, Mitt Romney burned up spectacularly upon entry to the polls. It was painful to watch. We created the Flaming Mitt in his honour. 2012 In...
View Article2012 in Cocktails: 50 Shades of Grey Goose
Who knew the women of the world were such horn-bags? With millions of dog-eared copies heatedly read at every beach, book club and airport on the planet we thought you could all do with a good stiff...
View ArticleStrange News from the North: Sex, Defecation, and a Spate of "Fridgings
Yesterday, the NTNews featured three crocodile stories on its front page. Not too bad, but not a record by any means. Last month the bar was set with five front-page stories. Thursday’s concerns were...
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