Vice Blog: A Rose by Any Other Name: Why Ben Johnson Ruined the Olympics
Oh great, you guys, another Olympics is happening. I sure hope this one is extra symbolic of mankind’s struggle to be its best self. Man, it would be peachy if we could all look past our cultural...
View ArticleVice Blog: Remembering the UK Riots
One year ago this weekend, Britain exploded into the worst rioting that pretty much anyone living there can remember. Four days of intense violence, looting, and chaos caught the police off-guard and...
View ArticleVice Blog: Question of the Day - Are You Gay?
Trapped in the Closet Get More: SOUTH PARKmore... In New York City there are a bunch of people walking around all the time and sometimes we just want to ask some of them, “Hey! Are you gay? Or...
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Brooklyn-based photographer Mike de Leon is a frequent contributor to VICE. He loves to focus on the innocence of youth, evocative color, distortion, and natural beauty. The following selected images...
View ArticleVice Blog: Wide World of Balls - So Phelps Is a Jock
We understand, you missed the Olympics and baseball and some very sad football news, mostly because of Lollapalooza. Just because you don’t have time for sports, doesn’t mean you can’t listen to hours...
View ArticleVice Blog: A Tale of Two Davids and the Toll of Chrysta Bell
I watched a handful of 70s-era David Bowie videos on Youtube recently, and one video in particular, an excerpt from the Ziggy Stardust film that features Bowie in several one-armed leotards performing...
View ArticleVice Blog: Shut Up About Bill Hicks
Big news: Bar-rock singer and fake-Irish accent peddler Russell Crowe is to direct a film about the comedian Bill Hicks, hero to first year sociology students the world over. It’s a perfect match. A...
View ArticleVice Blog: VICE Premiere: "Summer Bummer" by The Band in Heaven
The band took their video off the internet for some reason, but we're keeping the post up because we like it. Enjoy! The Band in Heaven releases music on Hozac Records and we like them. This video...
View ArticleVice Blog: Kill the Engine - Should Skateboarding Be in the Olympics?
Every four years when the Summer Olympics are all up in our faces, the exact same question circulates among all of my skateboard friends and probably all of the skateboard enthusiasts worldwide. That...
View ArticleVice Blog: Wet Hot American Bummer
Just hearing the words “summer camp” makes people think of fun games and swimming and popsicles and innocent over-the-pants handjobs. Little do they know, there is a whole other super serious,...
View ArticleVice Blog: José Can Say So - I’m Broke and It’s the Government’s Fault
You might’ve heard that last week I filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The government has drained my bank accounts, and the way they hit you with penalties and interest makes it almost impossible to pay...
View ArticleVice Blog: Dogmageddon - No Joke
So, here's the thing about that Daniel Tosh “rape joke” controversy from a few weeks ago: Yes, it was a stupid, terrible joke. Not so much because of the topic itself—you can make funny jokes about...
View ArticleVice Blog: Chunklet To Go Go: Recalibrating Your Opinions so the World...
In a 1936 essay in Esquire Magazine, F. Scott Fitzgerald offhandedly said that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still...
View ArticleVice Blog: The VICE Guide to Ugandan Sex Slang
So you think Ugandans are a bunch of unlaid prudes just because you watched "Eat da poo poo" a couple years ago? Muzunga, please. Ugandans are some of the filthiest little fuckbirds since James...
View ArticleVice Blog: Fifty Shades of Chick-fil-A: My Polyamorous Chick-fil-A Fan Porn
When I saw the sign for Chick-fil-A beside the signs for BP, Home Depot, Best Buy, Target, the Mattress Store, and WalMart, I could not control my arms. I’m not the kind that lets myself eat fast food...
View ArticleVice Blog: Come to the 2012 VICE Photo Show
VICE is pleased to announce our 2012 Photo Issue exhibition. If you’re a big ol’ dummy and somehow missed the release of our accompanying Photo Issue, then here’s the perfect way to correct that...
View ArticleVice Blog: Shut Up and Press Play
This isn't the first time we've told you this, but, Dear DJ's: Do your fucking job already and stop telling us about it. First and foremost, let me preface by saying that I am actively involved in...
View ArticleVice Blog: YouTube, We Have a Problem
NASA’s livestream coverage of the Curiosity rover’s landing on Mars was was practically as flawless as the landing itself, a refreshing alternative to all that troubled Olympics coverage. The...
View ArticleVice Blog: Edward
Photographer Nick Haymes is known for his pictoral documentation of the troubled life of Paranoid Park star Gabe Nevins, which was collected into the excellent photobook Gabe in 2012. In this...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Grinberg Method
Painting by Al Burian. I saw a flyer advertising a free trial session of Grinberg Therapy, which was described using phrases such as “energy flow” and “holistic healing.” Intrigued, I looked for more...
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