Is This Obama’s Kenyan Birth Video?
Yesterday afternoon, an anonymous source known only as “Peter R.” reached out to VICE with claims that he had in his possession a video of President Barack Obama’s birth. Peter said that the footage...
View ArticleDress Like Your Favorite Musician this Halloween
After the jillion slutty cat outfits, there's bound to be some geniuses working the dead-Whitney this Halloween. Too soon guys, too soon. And if I see anyone I know dressed up "Gangnam Style," I will...
View ArticleArt, Drugs, and Consciousness in Brooklyn
Tonight in Brooklyn our resident drug writer/taker Hamilton Morris will be participating in a panel discussion called "Art, Drugs, and Consciousness." The other panelers are Daniel Pinchbeck, author...
View ArticleProlate Spheroid Preview: The Children Are Our Future… Quarterbacks
This month, the New Yorker published an article (subscribers only, sorry) about Steve Clarkson’s quarterback academy, which is one of the premiere places to learn all the freakishly complex details of...
View ArticleThe Apocalypse Has Come Early to Athens, Greece
In case you didn't know, things aren't going so well in Greece. They're in the midst of a catastrophic debt crisis, the government officials are having a really hard time figuring out how to fix it,...
View ArticleTake Off Your Pants, Not Your Jacket
Tonight, New York-based creative company ALLDAYEVERYDAY will open their new gallery space in Alphabet City with an art show dedicated to the art of jackets. Initially, we were skepitcal. Everyone we...
View ArticleSlutever: Gray Area
God, sexuality can be so #confusing, right? Like, how are you supposed to tell if you're gay or not and stuff? In this episode of VICE's Slutever, Karley's recent sex dreams about her gurl crush,...
View ArticleCombover: Dirty Laundry
Featuring Seth Morris Another diversion. Tired of these. Got a call from Seth Morris asking for my service. This one’s difficult. Used to be my best friend. My mentor, really. Taught me everything I...
View ArticleThe Furtastic Adventures of the Cabbit and the Folf
For this series, titled "The Furtastic Adventures of the Cabbit and the Folf," I photographed Belgian, Dutch, French, and German members of the furry fandom, where adults transform themselves into...
View ArticleRemembering the Dumb Moments That Shaped Me Through Songs - Part Five
Music in the car is a big part of suburban life. Fine Young Cannibals - “She Drives Me Crazy” I am in my mother’s blue Astro van driving to Kelowna for a figure skating competition. It’s just her, and...
View ArticleWoohoo, It's the Future of War!
Since the beginning of human history, humans have bickered constantly over territory, resources, and power. Now, with the possibility of a right-wing Mormon space cadet taking up residence in the...
View ArticleBoyle's Brains: The Spookiest Things to Do in a Dog Park
- Bring a Ziploc baggie of ground beef instead of a dog. Start to remove its leash. Look tentatively around the park. If someone catches you doing this, direct piercing, relentless eye contact at them...
View Might Save the Planet with Old Coke Bottles?
If you are a butt-plugged snob who reads Pitchfork daily or a fratty douche who relies on Spotify’s Billboard Top 100 playlist, might only be the guy who made you agree that tonight is going...
View ArticleAn Evening with Vagina Panther
Stop me if you've heard this one before: a girl (me) walks into a bar and says to four unsuspecting, slovenly strangers, "Hey, are you guys in Vagina Panther?" Two of the strangers scrunch up their...
View ArticleJust How Useless Are the Political Media?
If a bunch of journalists from the country’s most prominent media outlets played a friendly game of beach flag football with Barack Obama, it's hard to overestimate the magnitude of the meltdown that...
View ArticleLegit Speed
Hunter S. Thompson once said, “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.” If only he were alive today so a neuroscientist could have a look...
View ArticleMarshall Headphones: On the Road: Killing Cats and the Occult
In a bid to cover all angles of the metal world, Jesse heads to London and catches up with Malcolm Dome, probably the UK’s No. 1 metal journalist. Jesse finds him at his usual hangout, London’s...
View ArticleToxic Tuna
Walking about Tokyo in the wobbliness of constant aftershocks, I wouldn’t allow myself to eat a single piece of fish during a 30 hour layover last April. I had chicken katsu for every meal and a lot...
View ArticlePen Pals: I'm in Love with This Fake Pussy
A while back, VICE got sent a package of Tenga® male masturbatory aids. They weren’t sure what to do with ‘em, but then remembered that I was the expert on self-pleasuring technology thanks to my...
View ArticleGirl News: Girlsplaining
So, I read all of the questions you sent through Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and email for this special “Girlsplaining” (a.k.a. Q&A) edition of Girl News, deleted the redundant or annoying...
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