Celebration and Trepidation as Egypt's Military Unseats Morsi
Egypt sighed a breath of relief Wednesday and erupted in a collective zaghareet, or ululation, after the Egyptian army overthrew its deeply unpopular Islamist president Mohammed Morsi. After a...
View ArticleWe Saw the Egyptian Military Stage a Coup in Cairo
Photo by Justin Wilkes No one wants a war, they all said. But as soon as the sun set, with high velocity rounds cracking into the crowd around us, it looked very much like Cairo had got one....
View ArticleStoya on Starvation Economies and Getting New Cats
Daddy (my boyfriend/partner) and I took in an abandoned kitten last November. His name is Dr. Squeak McQueen, esq. and he is now a healthy eight-month-old ball of destruction. Actually, Squeak mostly...
View ArticleVICE News: Egypt After Morsi - Trailer
Some are calling it a military coup, others are insisting it's a people's revolution. What is for sure is that on Wednesday, July 3rd, a year of turmoil and discontent in Egypt climaxed in the ousting...
View ArticleMeet the Nieratkos: Inside the Writer's Studio
Photo by Tsuyoshi Nishiyama For the past seven years I’ve had nearly every professional and amateur skater passing through New Jersey stop by my house for some home cooking and refuge from the long...
View ArticleNoisey Premiere: Rich Kidd - "I'd Be Lying" (Produced by DJ Dahi)
Noisey Premiere: Rich Kidd - "I'd Be Lying" (Produced by DJ Dahi)
View ArticleJean-Francois Hamelin Takes Beautiful Photographs of Rural Quebec
Montrealer Jean-Francois Hamelin has been capturing the essence of rural Quebec for many years, most recently in his project titled “Temiscamingue”—named after a region of 10,000 square kilometres in...
View ArticleThe Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Friday of Rejection
The National Coalition of Legitimacy, which is led by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters, has called for a “Friday of Rejection” demonstration, denouncing the coup and the mass arrests of its...
View ArticleCan an Atheist Church Make Nonbelievers Nicer?
Photo via the Atheist Bus campaign in Canada I became an atheist because I wanted to stay home on Sundays. Sure, later I read about a bunch of what I think are pretty good reasons to not believe in...
View ArticleGigi Ibrahim Discusses What Happens Next in Egypt with Tim Pool
Egyptian blogger, journalist, and activist Gigi Ibrahim joins VICE's Tim Pool to discuss what happens now that Morsi is no longer president. Watch below and be sure to check back for photos,...
View ArticleOut of the Pens of Babes
Like other types of artists, most writers have been honing their craft, sometimes obsessively, since they were old enough to think. And, of course, the vast majority of kids, even those who grow up to...
View ArticleThe British Woman Who's Imprisoned with Her Baby in Pakistan
Khadija Shah with her baby, Malaika. (Photo courtesy of Reprieve) Last year, Khadija Shah was apprehended under suspicion of carrying a suitcase that contained $4.75 million worth (approximately 63...
View ArticleThe Muslim Brotherhood Prepares for Its 'Day of Rage'
Swathed like lissom crows in black niqabs, the girls hopped up and down in the sun. Bearing the burial shrouds they had brought to Nasr City, they sang in shrill unison about how they longed for...
View ArticlePen Pals: Remembering Independence Day Behind Bars
Photo via Flickr user Thomas Galvez For me, holidays always bring back almost fond memories of time ill spent in the clink-clink. Unbelievably, us inmates actually looked forward to the Fourth of...
View ArticlePeter Hoffmeister Lived with Bears in Yosemite and Survived to Write a Book...
All photos courtesy of Peter Hoffmeister. A group of people who call themselves Dirtbags have been living illegally in Yosemite National Park since the end of World War II. The Dirtbags sleep in...
View ArticleEritrea Has Failed to Realize Its Revolutionary Dream
After the Eritrean independence war ended in 1991, Eritreans threw themselves into reconstructing the country's shattered infrastructure, with whole villages helping out to build small dams,...
View ArticleRestore the Fourth Wants the Government to Stop Spying and Lying
Instead of getting drunk and grilling on a roof somewhere, several hundred New Yorkers chose to spend their Fourth of July protesting the establishment of the surveillance state that, as we all know...
View ArticleInside the Mind of a Female Pedophile
Alissa Nutting’s first book, Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls, presented an impressive range of voices, from space-age pornstars to witchy cannibals to corpse-smokers and amputees. Somehow she was...
View ArticleSwimming with Warlords
Nabi Gechi is a killer who doesn’t bother with subtleties. Two weeks ago the militia commander directed an attack against a house in Northern Afghanistan filled with Taliban. After his men surrounded...
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