Ground Zero: Syria - Snipers of Aleppo
Over the last six months the FSA and the battle for Aleppo has transitioned from a full-on frontline assault into a slow-paced but still deadly sniper war. Photographer and videographer Robert King...
View ArticleThe RZA and Adrian Younge Are Supreme Mutant Beings
RZA. Photo via Wikipedia One of the high points in my career as a journalist happened back in January, when I had the honor of chewing the fat with my hero and Wu-Tang Clan mastermind, the RZA. We...
View ArticleMotherboard: High Country - Part 1
Matt Ellis doesn’t smoke weed. He simply doesn’t enjoy being stoned. The all-too-familiar itch of paranoia that follows a few deep rips of pot is enough to keep him from using. But that’s not to say...
View ArticleGerald Koch Hasn't Been Accused of a Crime, but the Feds Put Him in Jail Anyway
A New York anarchist has been jailed for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury about his political beliefs, his friends, and the legal support he provided to Occupy Wall Street. Gerald...
View ArticleThe War on Weed: Still Expensive, Racist, and Failed
Photo via Flickr User Taber Andrew Bain For years, anti-drug-war advocates have been saying, over and over again, that arresting people for possessing controlled substances overcrowds prisons, wastes...
View ArticleA Few Impressions: ‘American Psycho’: Ten Years Later/Twenty Years Later
Image by Courtney Nicholas I listened to the American Psycho audiobook recently. It was released in 2011 and is narrated by Pablo Schreiber, who performs his task quite well. He doesn’t clown it up,...
View ArticleNeither Big nor Easy: On the Death of a Dog I Should Have Loved Better
All photos courtesy of the author. When I am depressed I must write. But I am surprised to find myself depressed upon the death of my dog this past Sunday during our fishing trip on Lake Pontchartain....
View ArticleSilicon Valley's Next Disruption: Floating, Autonomous City-States
Silicon Valley's Next Disruption: Floating, Autonomous City-States
View ArticleGold Miners Are Exhuming and Trafficking Corpses in Romania
Mounds of soil where graves have been exhumed are now a common sight in Roșia Montană. Since 2004, the Romanian Roșia Montană Gold Corporation (RMGC) has been illegally trafficking corpses in Roșia...
View ArticleMichael Douglas Has No Control Over His Mouth
Photo via Flickr User Joella Marano I say a lot of things I don’t actually mean to say. When I let my mouth run, I find myself implying that I can do 100 push-ups, that my favorite movie is “something...
View ArticleTom Bianchi Photographed His Gay Paradise Before It Disappeared Forever
Close your eyes for a second and imagine you are at the party of your dreams. Everyone you love and are infatuated with is around you, the music you loved in your teens is playing and bad trips are...
View ArticleHere's Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire's 'Kismet' Mixtape
Here's Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire's 'Kismet' Mixtape
View ArticleThe Taipei Book Release Party Is Tonight
Tao Lin's new book, Taipei, was released yesterday and has been flying off the shelves and internets like hotcakes with little blue Xanax sprinkles. We are admittedly biased, so won't try to explain...
View ArticleFrom Tahrir to Occupy to Istanbul: An Anatomy of Current and Future Protest
From Tahrir to Occupy to Istanbul: An Anatomy of Current and Future Protest
View ArticleWild Things: The $wiftest Pigeon - Part 1
What is the sound of 1 million yuan flapping? While most nouveau riche happily spend their new money on shit the old money has already deemed acceptable, China's spoiled young princelings aren't...
View ArticleAdrian Raine Says He Can Predict if You'll Be a Criminal
Dr Adrian Raine. Photo courtesy of the University of Southern California The future that psychologist Dr Adrian Raine predicts—from a civil liberties perspective, at least—falls somewhere between...
View ArticleFilthy Lucre
When you fly Virgin Upper Class out of Heathrow, you go through a separate set of airport security. With a ticket that costs $4,000 round-trip, you swipe your boarding pass, go up a sleek private...
View ArticleThe Cops Destroyed My Friend's Business Because He Made a Porn Site for the...
My friend Adam was, until recently, making a living as a self-employed web designer in South Carolina. He'd been doing it for a couple of years and had built sites for various small organizations like...
View ArticleVICE Premiere: Pimp Rapper 100s Dropped a Video for "1999"
It doesn't seem that hard out here for a pimp, at least when you tune into a 100s music video. The Cali-bred MC, who we introduced to you back in October of last year, has sharpened up his...
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