In Colombia, Lawmakers Debate Making Ecstasy Legal
Photo courtesy of Echela Cabeza Beats fill the lofty space inside the Latina Power club on a Friday night in the Chapinero neighborhood of Colombia’s capital. A kaleidoscope of images project onto a...
View ArticleComics: Nick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #89
Dear Comic Lovers, My name is Nicholas Gazin, and I love comics. Approximately once a week I write a column in which I cover comics, art, illustration, and nerd interest and review some books. My...
View ArticleThe Sixth Day of Fire, Tear Gas, and Blood in Istanbul
On the sixth day of the biggest civil uprising Turkey has seen in a decade, police forces retreated from Taksim Square in central Istanbul following a 36-hour battle. Tens of thousands of protesters...
View ArticleWeediquette: Egon the Blunt Getter
Rembrandt's "The Syndics of the Amsterdam Drapers' Guild," 1662, via Wikimedia Commons When I was 15, a weed mentor of mine told me over a shwag blunt that there are people in this world who refuse to...
View ArticleTubesteak: At the World’s Gayest Party – Life Ball 2013
Photo courtesy of Life Ball There's something about the classical uniformity of Vienna (or any European city) that makes large groups of people in evening dresses seem perfectly natural. That's why...
View ArticleDo We Really Need a National Chain of Pot Stores?
Image via Jamen Shively is high on cannabis legalization. For someone who only lit up for the first time ever last year, Shively, a former Microsoft manager, sure has mastered all the heady pro-pot...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: What Do You Think About Critiquing Naked Women on TV?
Blachman's male panel judges a naked woman's body. Image via Last month saw the premiere of Blachman, a new Danish TV show where a panel of men judge the bodies of naked women. That's literally the...
View ArticleTurkey's Weekend of Street War, Jubilation, and Bulldozer Joyrides
Photos by Nazim Serhat Firat and Ali Güracar "There is now a menace, which is called Twitter," Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared on Turkish television on Sunday. "The best examples...
View ArticleThe Meth-Fueled, Weeklong Orgies Ravaging London's Gay Sex-Party Scene
Tim, who used to organize "slamming" parties until he got out of the scene a couple of years ago. Weeklong, unprotected orgies fueled by intravenous doses of crystal methamphetamine are an increasing...
View ArticlePublic Schoolteachers' Pensions Are Partially Funded by Private Prisons
Photo via Flickr user Rennett Stowe Public schools and prisons are becoming increasingly linked—police officers are now a constant presence in many schools, which has led to students getting hassled...
View ArticleThe Tribal Feud Tearing Libya Apart
At an army checkpoint on the way into the Libyan city of Misrata, an angry police officer with a pistol tucked into his pants demands I give a blood sample before locking me in a trailer. For what...
View ArticleDogmageddon: Sacrificing Virgins
Photo via Back in the day, if you wanted God to bless your crops and make them grow high to the heavens, you prayed for rain. If that didn't work, you built a temple or maybe slaughtered a goat. And...
View ArticleThe Mating Rituals of the Renaissance Pleasure Fair
Photos by Jennie Ross The first thing you need to know when you go to a Renaissance fair is that you’re a mundane. The people of the fair don’t give a shit about where you DJ, the art collective you...
View ArticleBradley Manning's Trial Starts Today
On Saturday, nearly 2,000 supporters of Army Private Bradley Manning drove or took the bus from all across the country to march in defense of the soldier on the eve of the first day of his trial for...
View ArticleReally, Ryan?: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Casual Acquaintances?
A few weeks ago, I celebrated the first balmy night of summer by taking a pill and going to see Frances Ha. My memory of the film is admittedly hazy, but I remember thinking at various points, This...
View ArticleNothing Is Less Funny Than Scientologists Doing Comedy
All the great men of history have had their escape valves, their private passions. Einstein played the violin. Disraeli wrote romantic novels. Napoleon used to rub two ferrets covered in sulphur...
View ArticleThe Five Best Things Made Out of Leather at Summer Jam 2013
The Five Best Things Made Out of Leather at Summer Jam 2013
View ArticleTurkey Is Waging an Invisible War Against Its Dissidents
A wall of Greek riot police. Photo by Henry Langston For the past week, we’ve been watching scenes of mayhem unfold in the streets of Istanbul, Ankara, and other cities in Turkey. What started as a...
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