Vice Blog: We Saw This: Angel Haze
Angel Haze is not a large person. This was the first thought that struck me while taking in her set at S.O.B.’s last night, lights flashing and smoke—both from fog machines and from kids puffing...
View ArticleVICE News: Butt Naked in Liberia
In the three years since VICE last spoke with Joshua Blahyi, aka General Butt Naked, his tribe has been targeted by the government and accused of disrupting Liberia's fragile calm. And though Blahyi...
View ArticleVice Blog: Cry-Baby of the Week
It's Friday, which means it's time to binge on scaredy-cat buttmunches again! Cry-babies #1: Grand Island Schools (via) The incident: Some parents named their child "Hunter." The appropriate response:...
View ArticleVice Blog: Pen Pals - Lockup Crackup
Con las mueblas en la mama bicho boca… I’ve taken to speaking jibber-jabber Spanglish about 50 percent of the time in here. I’m getting pretty good at it. This dorm environment is wearing me down....
View ArticleVice Blog: How to Stop Worrying and Love Motorcycle Racing
The world famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway has a policy, possibly related to how world famous it is, against releasing official attendance figures for the events it hosts. Nevertheless, conventional...
View ArticleVice Blog: Delicious with Mish Episode Four: Featuring Louise Burns
I know Louise Burns doesn’t like to think of herself as a veteran pop star, but in my eyes she is and that is very respectable. She’s also one of the most talented and beautiful women I know. Louise...
View ArticleVice Blog: Date Night Is Hate Night
Going on date tonight? Why not read these stories from our friends in the UK about terrible dates and explode with nervous energy to save yourself the inevitable horror, dismay, and depression? The...
View ArticleVice Blog: Boyle's Brains - Slapstick Reel of My Life
Born one week late, needed to be a cesarean section. Parents joked that I didn’t want to be born. Received a 9/10 on some kind of “Healthy Baby” rating scale. Doctor deducted one point because I...
View ArticleMotherboard: Justin Warner Makes a Salad for the Apocalypse
Justin Warner is a Food Network Star who's been getting the attention of New York’s trendy (if capricious) tastebuds from his Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, restaurant Do or Dine. The restaurant’s DIY aesthetic,...
View ArticleVice Blog: I Can't Stop Rooting for Lousy Sports Teams and I Love It
In the last 15 years, my beloved San Diego Padres have made the playoffs three times. In 2005 and 2006 they barely finished above .500 but managed to win an embarrassingly bad NL West division. Both...
View ArticleVice Blog: Don't Be a Soldier in the City
Shadowbox.init({ language: "en", players: ["html", "iframe", "img"] }); Anyone who has ever doubted VICE’s commitment to reporting on the major issues of our era will probably have a coronary as they...
View ArticleVice Blog: Sidemouth - Ann Romney and I Are Going to Have an Adult Party
I find this time of year very sexy. Everything is actually climaxing. All the flora are fully engorged and so, so riiiipe, abundant and ready to explode with their own sweet juices. Life, life,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Combover: Jarble Jerble
Oy vey, I forgot! Another meeting! Iain Morris: He’s the hot new Brit comedic auteur in town. You can’t go anywhere without hearing his name. He just finished coming off this hit British TV series,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Adam Reposa: Lawyer, Lunatic
I hate to use unfair generalizations, but lawyers are, as a group, festering, money-grubbing piles of shit. Adam Reposa, a criminal defense attorney from Austin, Texas, is definitely in this category,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Girl News - Girls and the Weekend
It’s not just the weekend, it’s the mega-weekend. (And haaaaai, while I was half-watching Paul Ryan deliver his oversized FedEx foam-packed box of lies at the Republican convention, my very first...
View ArticleVice Blog: Summertime in England: A Monologue on Van Morrison
The only thing I love is the music. The rest of it is pure shit. The kind of shit that fame attracts is very dark. It’s very dark. I like the music. But that’s it. That’s it. -Van Morrison, in a 2009...
View ArticleVice Blog: Lil Bub & Friendz: Teaser Trailer
Recognize this guy? It's Lil Bub, the cat from the internet that makes everybody go: “oooohhaawwwwwmygggggodddd” when they see her divine countenance. I have just discovered that if you walk around an...
View ArticleVice Blog: What Do the Chairs Think About Clint Eastwood's Speech?
As you all probably know, Clint Eastwood, famous Hollywood movie guy and former mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, gave a rambling, confused speech at the Republican National Convention last...
View ArticleVice Blog: A Season in Hell with Muuy Biien
VICE: Is there any overarching aesthetic, moral principle, etc with regard to Muuy Biien? Josh Evans: Yes. The answer is simple. Knowledge. Cross out the wicked....
View ArticleVice Blog: I Watched Michele Bachmann Talk About Spinach on the Last Day of...
I hung around Tampa for a few days during the RNC and talked to a bunch of random people on the street. The two main things I take away from the whole experience are that Tampa residents were either...
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