Vice Blog: Cats Who Shop: One Man's Story
Yesterday, I was just minding my own business as usual when I decided to pop into a neighborhood deli here in New York City to pick up a few things before I had a goddamn seizure or something. Anyway,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Waste Coast - Camping Is for Idiots
There is nothing better than gathering up your best friends, a cooler full of fresh salmon, and Pacific Pilsners, then hitting the woods for a few days of fun, sun, and sleeping in a tent, right? Kill...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform
Yesterday, the Republican Party released its official platform, a rundown of stuff they like and don’t like. It’s sort of like a child’s Christmas wish list, except instead of wanting presents, the...
View ArticleVice Blog: Question of the Day - Who Would Win in a Fist Fight, Obama or Romney?
Forget the party platforms, the speeches, and all the hoopla surrounding the Republican and Democratic conventions. When you step into a voting booth in November, only one deal-breaking question about...
View ArticleVice Blog: The RNC Wants to Take Away Your Porn. Maybe That's Not a Bad Idea?
Of all the alarming aspects of the Republican Party platform—and there are many, particularly if you're the owner of a vagina, or a brown vagina, or a poor vagina—there's one particular revelation...
View ArticleVice Blog: Republicans Don't Know How to Party
Now that candidates aren’t nominated at political conventions any more, they mostly exist to get the public interested in the electoral process, to sell our political parties, and, in a recent...
View ArticleVice Blog: Season Finale
Photos by Francesco Nazardo It took a while for the Canadian literary establishment to accept Lynn Coady—her unpleasant gritty realism, profanity, and fucked-up sex scenes didn’t go down too easily...
View ArticleVice Blog: Ayia Napa Is a Paradise
Hey, did you know "Ayia Napa" is Greek for "holy wooded valley"? Of course you don't, because the brain cells of yours with that info imprinted upon evaporated out on that island this summer. Together...
View ArticleVice Blog: I Had a Face Tattoo for a Week
A few years ago I was hanging out at my friend’s clothing store when a guy with face tattoos came in and asked her if she could split a ten dollar bill. Laura, an otherwise pleasant girl, told him to...
View ArticleVice Blog: Dear Mexican Cartels: Don’t Fuck with the Angels
Photo by Luis Hinojos Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, has become known as the “murder capital of the world” thanks to the seemingly endless string of drug-cartel-related killings, and the law-abiding portion...
View ArticleVice Blog: We Told Some Italian Men That They Don't Have Any Balls
A law was recently passed in Italy's highest court that outlaws citizens from accusing Italian men of having no balls. If you're caught flouting the new law, you can be taken to court and punished...
View ArticleVice Blog: Revolution, Evolution, and Rock 'N' Roll: An Exclusive Interview...
Her fans called her "WOW." It was the perfect nickname for Plasmatics frontwoman Wendy O. Williams, since it was not only her initials, but what else could you really say about this woman? After all,...
View ArticleVice Blog: I Watched Chris Matthews Eat a Sandwich at the RNC
The Republican National Convention has brought with it a slew of celebrities from both the political and entertainment worlds, and everyone on the streets of Tampa is on the lookout for VIPs....
View ArticleVice Blog: José Can Say So – Lance Armstrong, Steroids, and Why I’d Become a...
This thing with Lance Armstrong has been going on for years now, and what’s ridiculous is that there still isn’t enough evidence to convict him. Feds dropped the case against him in the winter. It’s...
View ArticleVice Blog: Posing as a Gay Republican at the RNC Will Get You Laid
Photo via Politico The G in ‘GOP’ does not stand for gay (though it does stand for ‘grand,’ which in and of itself is pretty gay). In fact, gay Republicans are probably some of the most hated people...
View ArticleVice Blog: Let's Talk About Devo’s Anti-Romney Song, “Don’t Roof Rack Me, Bro”
If you’re anything like me, you no doubt waited patiently in line at your local record hop on July 15, 2010 in order to get your copy of Devo’s latest album Something For Everybody as early as...
View ArticleVice Blog: I Tried to Talk Drugs with the Creator of 'Breaking Bad'
UPDATE: While every plot point discussed in this interview has already aired and been discussed in multiple corners of the internet, if you missed the last couple of episodes this article will...
View ArticleVice Blog: Reddit's Spacedicks Section Is the Internet's Actual Asshole
Yesterday, Barack Obama took time out of his busy schedule re-applying for his job as the President of the United States to do an AMA over at Reddit. For those of you who are unfamiliar, AMA stands...
View ArticleFringes: The Rosaire Family Circus
stuff this place is a zoo THE ROSAIRES LOVE THEIR ANIMALS LIKE FAMILY By Rocco Castoro Photos by Jason Henry This gaping maw belongs to Indian, one of Derrick Jr.’s many trained bears. Don’t worry,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Get to Know Your Catastrophic Landscapes
The Western United States—where all the resources, adventure, and majesty reside—is on fire. Close to seven million acres of forest and grassland have burned this year, one of the worst fire seasons...
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