Extinct Animals Should Stay Dead
Stewart Brand, likely blabbing about his unsettling scientific ideals. via Flickr. Stewart Brand and his team of mad scientists want to bring extinct animals back to life. While we're at it, why don't...
View ArticleVICE News: Beasts of Burden - Full Length
VICE correspondent Gelareh Kiazand searches Kabul for illicit gambling rings where men bet on quail fights, buzkashi (it's like polo, but with a headless goat), and dog fights. But first she has to...
View ArticleGround Zero: Mali - Part 1
Ground Zero - Mali was shot in Gao, Mali, on February 21, 2013. It's basically the first legitimate combat footage to come out of the war there. Normally the French ban journalists from the front...
View ArticleFarewell to the 'Phoenix': Working at Boston’s Defunct Alt-Weekly
Photo by BartEvert via Flickr 1. The newsroom at 126 Brookline Ave was painted red. It had bare concrete pillars and an unfinished ceiling, where bundles of wires crawled above the fluorescent lights...
View ArticleCruising ‘New York’ Magazine’s Wedding Convention
With spring right around the corner and Facebook getting lit up with little, pink marriage equality icons—it’s clear that ~true love~ is in the air. So when I found out that this “boring” and...
View ArticleCorporate-Run Hospitals Could Be the Death of You
Members of the New York State Nurses Association rally, ahead of a meeting held by the State Assembly's Healthcare Committee in downtown Brooklyn. Susan Raboy, a 40-year resident of Brooklyn Heights,...
View ArticleFar Out: Agafia's Taiga Life - Part 4
In 1936, a family of Russian Old Believers journeyed deep into Siberia’s vast taiga to escape persecution and protect their way of life. The Lykovs eventually settled in the Sayan Mountains, 160 miles...
View ArticleHere's a Stream of 'Mosquito,' the New Album by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Here's a Stream of 'Mosquito,' the New Album by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
View ArticleThe XXXChurch is Goddamn Bullshit
I was at the Lighthouse Anglican Church in the decaying industrial town of Wollongong to see a sermon delivered by Craig Gross, founder of an LA-based Evangelist outreach program that takes The Good...
View ArticleAre Cat Spies Sent by Aliens?
Image via Keith Kissel / Wikimedia Attention cat people. There’s a burgeoning theory around the internet that begs reckoning. It’s not the theory that parasites in cat poop are turning you into crazy...
View ArticleFar Out: Agafia's Taiga Life - Full Length
In 1936, a family of Russian Old Believers journeyed deep into Siberia’s vast taiga to escape persecution and protect their way of life. The Lykovs eventually settled in the Sayan Mountains, 160 miles...
View ArticleAlex Cameron's Secret Material
I was supposed to see Seekae last year but then I said something dumb to my girlfriend and pissed her off, and like band member Alex Cameron puts it, “That can feel like the world is ending.” And...
View ArticleAdvertorial: What Counts as "Fake" These Days?
What counts as "fake" these days? Jumped-up reality celebrities putting their name to charities they know nothing about for an investment in their own careers? Bald men who wear toupees when their...
View ArticleVICE News: West African Truckers
The truck driver holds a mythic stature in American music, from the hayseed hagiographies of Slim Jacobs and Bobby Sykes to the liner notes of Big Black's Songs About Fucking. There aren't as many...
View ArticleKat Stacks Is a Real American Hero, Bitch
Portrait of Kat Stacks courtesy of FVP ART GALLERY A former prostitute turned loudmouth rap groupie seems like an unlikely poster child for the immigration movement in the US. But not only has Kat...
View ArticleLos Angeles Is for Sale... Dirt Cheap!
Photos by Nate Miller Los Angeles has a budget shortfall of $216 million. We literally crowdsourced budget-cut ideas. We, with our car culture, have the worst roads in America according to AASHTO, and...
View ArticleNot-So-Easy Rider: Motorcycle Boot Camp
It’s me and ten other dudes. They’ve all got tattoos, which in and of itself makes them more qualified for this assignment. They’ve got better life stories for introductions and also seem to have the...
View ArticleMy State Wants to Establish an Official Religion
Photo via The United States Constitution is a subjective document written by a bunch of men with wigs and wooden teeth and fancy pants in the 18th century who couldn’t possibly have foreseen the shape...
View ArticleHappy 69th Birthday Agafia Lykov, from Your Friends at VICE
Agafia Lykov, our favorite Siberian hermit, turned 69 today. Born on the Erinat River in Siberia in 1944, Agafia has lived all of her years in the Siberian taiga, roughly 160 miles from the nearest...
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