The Mercy Rule: The Little Gulfy That Could
People who don't love the NCAA Tournament—sniffy NBA hipster types, those who can't overlook the corporate-feudal sketchiness of the NCAA, Billy Packer during his last two decades of announcing NCAA...
View ArticleBono Says We've Almost Eradicated Poverty
In a recent TED talk, delivered in Long Beach, California, U2 frontman Bono made a pretty noteworthy announcement: global poverty is on the verge of being eradicated. Based on research done by the...
View ArticlePartying with Babes and Electro Dudes at the Gold Rush Strip Club
Zed's Dead "You want me to suck your dick? Thats $80," she mumbled over her shoulder, a foot and a half taller than me, drawing me toward the Champagne Room's ATM. I looked up into the forced sparkles...
View ArticleHow Deep-Sea Mud Found Off a Tiny Japanese Island May Change the Gadget Economy
Tiny Minami-Torishima Island, which is key to Japan finding rare earth metals within its own waters. Via Wikipedia Inside of all the world's gadgets—all of our technology in general, really—is a...
View ArticleHow Humans Will Respond to Immortality: A Chat with John Fischer
Five million dollars is a hefty grant for any academic to receive, let alone a philosopher. And yet that’s exactly what University of California–Riverside, philosophy professor John Martin Fischer...
View ArticleThe Soviet Ghost Town in the Czech Republic
Photos by Léo Malek There’s a little bit of the Soviet empire left in the middle of the Czech Republic, but it’s abandoned, decaying, and almost completely forgotten. USSR military bases might not be...
View ArticleThreesomes Blow
So you're lying on your back and two beautiful girls with waxed pussies are tending to your dink's every need. They are necking with each other and 69ing and one of them even has high heels on. You...
View ArticleIs DOMA About to Be DOA?
Photo by Elvert Barnes via Flickr By now, after the antigay activists have put away their “Adam and Steve” placards and the 39 steps of the Supreme Court have been swept of those equally irksome pink...
View ArticleVito Fun's Winter Photo Dump 2013
Every year around this time, I emerge from seasonal-affective hibernation and begin to prepare for my weekly warm-weather pilgrimages to Fire Island. The trees in New York City begin to bud, and New...
View ArticleAfter Gay Marriage, Why Not Polygamy?
Illustration by Alex Cook Gay marriage is going to be legal. After this week’s oral arguments before the Supreme Court on California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act, it’s...
View ArticleFringes: Mexico's Other Border
People tend to assume that the immigrants crossing the US–Mexico border are all Mexican. The reality is that a large percentage of them come from Central America, and their journey north is grueling....
View ArticleWatch Our Show Next Friday Night on HBO
As you may have heard, we have a fancy new TV show called VICE premiering on HBO in exactly one week. We've been working our asses off/putting them on the line in some of the most dangerous and...
View ArticleSawdust Stories: Sitting Down in the Deep End
A sawdust joint is an end-of-the line kind of gambling parlor. It's a place without frills and pretension.This column is about gambling and gamblers, about regular people who play games for money....
View ArticleVampire Weekend Burned a Car in Their Music Video, Who Cares
Vampire Weekend Burned a Car in Their Music Video, Who Cares
View ArticleBeing Old in Romania Can Be a Lot of Fun
My friend was harping on at me the other day about how much it's going to suck when we reach old age. "Can you imagine having to set aside 15 minutes every time you want to cross the road, or...
View ArticleWhen Internet Sex Was Still a Mystery
Photo by Looi via Wikimedia Commons I never imagined we'd be using the internet to talk about ourselves, at least back when the World Wide Web was still being spun bit by bit from a million squeaking...
View ArticleTaji's Mahal: Ben Kilpatrick's Tri-Coastal Photography
For this week's Mahal, I got to talk with Ben Kilpatrick about what it is like to travel the country, photographing on and off his skateboard. Check out some of his most recent work above and read our...
View ArticleThe Most Amazing Photos of Juggalos You've Ever Seen
This past August, I spent a few days in Cave-In-Rock, IL at the 13th annual Gathering Of The Juggalos, Insane Clown Posse's Dionysian five-day music festival. Based mostly on the sense of unity and...
View ArticleAren't You Tired of Old Musicians Asking for Money on Kickstarter?
Photo by TattooGoddess via Wikimedia Commons Last week when I logged onto Facebook to catch up on political Willy Wonka pictures and my friends’ general bellyaching about the weather, the words...
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