Fatti Frances is the exploratory (and we mean that in a sexual way) R&B project from former Jemima Jemima, the Ancients and Jessica Says drummer Raquel Solier. She’s performing in Melbourne this Thursday at our Raised Up Right launch party at Liberty Social alongside Bum Creek, Drown Under, and a bunch of free drinks. To make a long story short, you’re going to want to be there.
To get you in the mood, we spoke to Raquel about some of the biggest issues facing R&B today.
VICE: Who would you bring back - Left Eye or Aaliyah?
Raquel Solier: Aaliyah for sure. If she was still around R. Kelly may not have been so offensive in recent years.
Cool. How about MJ or Whitney?
Whitney. In high school I had an email address linked to her official website. It was i_will_always_love_you@whitneyhouston.com. Two months later the website crashed.
That’s a great address. Would you bring back that website if you had to kill say... Babyface?
Haha no. Babyface had that awesome song with Mariah and Kenny G. “Everytime I Close My Eyes” so...
Fair enough. As an R'n'B artist, does it disgust you that people probably have sex to your music?
It would be the biggest compliment. Can that be a new ARIA category?
There are definitely dumber ARIAs. Who would you be up against?
Dead Boomers for the hardcore fans, Legendary Hearts for virgins and creeps. Geoff O'Connor for romantic types, and for all those super late night drunk times, Kangaroo Skull.
Actually, Fatti Frances and Kangaroo Skull could be names for sex moves.
Mine would be similar to daggering but with a really, really fat person.Kangaroo Skull could be like that T&E “I sit on you” clip where the old mustache guy bounces on the old persons head.
Last question: we heard you co-wrote the second season of Trapped In The Closet with R. Kelly. What can fans expect this time around?
This time it’s set on the R. Kelly cruise and it’s called Crapped in the Closet. It’s autobiographical and opens with the line “I pee'ed on the midgets 16 yr old dauuuuuughter!”
Thanks Raquel, we can’t wait.
See Fatti Frances, Bum Creek and Drown Under this Thursday at Liberty Social, 279 Flinders Lane Melbourne. As always, entry is free so long as you RSVP here. Thanks go to Grolsch and Sailor Jerry for the quality beverages.