Do you know what’s great about a foreign policy debate between the two men who could become the next President of the United States? Seriously, do you? Because we’re kinda at a loss here. Barack Obama has been a fairly effective president in terms of “Dudes in the desert murdered by robot planes,” but if you disagree with the robots-killing-people policy (like some dirty peacenik hippie), you won’t find much to like about Mitt Romney either, as he thinks the guy who had Osama bin Ladin killed and bombed Libya is a gigantic pussy who “apologizes for America.” (We guess killing people and then expressing remorse is for commies?) They’ll talk about the attack on the Benghazi embassy and about China as well, and maybe Europe and South America, and there’s a chance this debate will get a little wonky—foreign policy is a complicated subject that not a lot of Americans understand or care about. Still, won’t it be exciting to see which stray remarks get turned into insta-memes? No, no it will not. But we’re going to liveblog it anyway—if it gets super boring we can always turn this thing into a sex chat room.
The cast: David Schilling, VICE contributor; Harry Cheadle, VICE associate editor; Kara Crabb, VICE contributor; and Blagovest Blagoev, VICE Bulgaria correspondent. Reader comments are welcomed, too. Though we can't promise Harry won't make fun of you if you say something stupid.