If you're like a lot of people, the area of your life you have the most control over is what kind of undergarments you wear. You might have to do some awful job for eight hours a day, you may be forced to put on a stifling, corporatation-mandated uniform while doing it, but goddamn it, no one can stop you from wearing some freaky day-glo leopard jockstrap underneath, if that's what you want to do. You can even wear no underwear, if you want to be a complete grossout pile of garbage. Here in New York, it's cold and snowy, restricting everyone's outerwear fashion options, so we decided to ask people how they were expressing themselves under their clothes. Because we're perverts.
Mike: Oh, this is a perfect question for me. I’m wearing a $100 pair of HANRO underwear made in Switzerland.
It’s carried at like, super expensive stores.
Why would you pay $100 for underwear?
They’re hand-stitched and made of mercerized cotton, so they last forever. Not like you don’t have your underwear forever anyway, but these are supposed to be especially fantastic. I’ve worn them twice now. They’re kind of a mélange grey. Boxer briefs.
Danielle: Victoria's Secret. They’re not special.
Then why wear them?
They’re pretty good, and I tend to just stick with them, because I know what size to get.
What style are they in?
I guess it’s like a thong, but it’s the sport thong, so it’s a little more comfortable and doesn’t dig into the sides.
What’s the difference between a sport thong and a thong?
I don’t know, actually. It lays more flat and is more breathable, where thongs can be restricting. I guess it’s more stretchy?
Nick: They’re like Hanes from Target. That’s it, man. Just gray Hanes.
Do you always wear Hanes?
That’s the go-to. They’re the best. What’s better than Hanes? They’re cheap, they’re super comfortable, what else do you need in underwear?
How long have you had them for?
Just a few months. I like to keep them fresh, because they get softer in a creepy way and need to be refreshed.
Roger: Papi.
Excuse me?
The underwear is called Papi. It’s a gay underwear.
The underwear is gay?
Yes. They sell it in the gay stores in Brazil.
Do you pay more for gay underwear?
In the gay stores it’s pretty expensive, but you can get it for less at T.J.Maxx. Maybe $12 for a pack.
What’s the added benefit of wearing Papi instead of another brand?
You can show off the waistband and people know what it means.
Previously: Who Is the Worst Style Icon?