My Life Online: World's Fattest Mom
After years of getting paid to scarf down tacos and pizza on "fat fetish" cam sites, Donna Simpson reached an astonishing 600 lbs. She's now desperately trying to lose weight in order to lead a normal...
View ArticleAre We Finally Heading Toward World Peace?
A painting that supposedly encapsulates the concept of world peace. In the rasping, screamed words of Cro-Mags, "World peace can't be done. It just can't exist." Then again, one of the band's former...
View ArticleI Left My Family for the Free Syrian Army
Illustration by Daniel David Freeman Loubna Mrie grew up in a high-profile Alawite family, but unlike most of the adherents to the Twelver school of Shia Islam, Loubna does not support the Assad...
View ArticleThe Man Who Was There: Interviews with a Commander and a Rebel Soldier in the...
VICE reached out to photographer and videographer Robert King in an attempt to arrive at the twisted core of the matter in Syria. The journalist with balls of pure lonsdaleite (an ultra-rare mineral...
View ArticleSad-Ass Music #2
Yo yo yo, modern day Lloyd Dobler at your service... Last time you dropped into my realm, I got your sadness boners popped out thick style. You slurped up the sorrow and got underneath your blankies....
View ArticleInside Aleppo's 'Stalingrad'
I am traveling with the Free Syrian Army on the front line of the al-Arqub neighborhood in Aleppo. Sniper rounds crack as the bullets zip over our heads. The acidic taste of gunpowder scares my throat...
View ArticleMotherboard: The Satellite Hunter
Thierry Legault is not your average amateur astronomer, inviting the neighborhood kids over and pointing a dinky backyard telescope at the Big Dipper. He’s a renowned astrophotographer, painstakingly...
View ArticleGround Zero: Syria - The Bombing of Aleppo's Dar al-Shifa Hospital
On November 21, Aleppo's Dar al-Shifa Hospital was bombed and destroyed by the Syrian Army. This is the same makeshift hospital where, weeks ago, VICE photographer and videographer Robert King...
View ArticleGinger Baker Cracks Skulls in 'Beware of Mr. Baker'
Film Forum is presenting the official US premiere of Beware of Mr. Baker tomorrow night in Manhattan, but I was lucky enough to watch it at a private screening held in my living room, in my...
View ArticleConsidering Roberto Bolaño and 'Woes of the True Policeman'
I absolutely hated Roberto Bolaño the first time I read him. I’d heard the endless hype surrounding the release of translation after translation, a kind of post-death onslaught in the manner of some...
View ArticleBrooklyn Is Not Ready for College Hoops
Hanging out in the Honda Club sipping a beverage bought from the Ticketmaster Concourse after taking (and emailing) a picture in the Metro PCS Photobooth, I couldn’t help but thank my sponsors. Sports...
View ArticlePopping the Marks: Paris Hilton in Mecca
For years now, people have been complaining about how the Saudi government is ruining Mecca with its obnoxious renovations. Thanks to runaway consumerism, the ancient city is overrun with luxury...
View ArticleSex, Drugs, and Rock 'N' Roll: Handjobs, Natural Stress Solutions, and Dumbo...
SEX - THE UNDERRATED HANDJOB The handjob is a lost art. Sure, plenty of us gave them in high school, and threw some pity handjobs in college. You know the kind where you drunkenly go home with someone...
View ArticlePissing in a Candy Urinal at Willy Wonka's Latest Store
I’m afraid to go to malls. They either over stimulate you with bright lights, garish colors, and sexist/racist/ageist/classist imagery, or they put you in close proximity with people who actually like...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: Is Cereal Soup?
Sometimes we’re not sure what to ask people on the street. Some days, we think, Maybe there are no more questions to be asked, no more street polls to be taken. Maybe we’ve gotten opinions on...
View ArticleThe Man Who Was There: Interviews with Syrian Army Defectors
VICE reached out to photographer and videographer Robert King in an attempt to arrive at the twisted core of the matter in Syria. The journalist with balls of pure lonsdaleite (an ultra-rare mineral...
View ArticleCritic Camille Paglia Thinks 'Revenge of the Sith' Is Our Generation's...
Camille Paglia, the indispensable art critic and long-serving Professor of Humanities at the University of the Arts, has for over two decades lived in the shadow of Camille Paglia, the polemicist,...
View ArticleBollocks to the Hippocratic Oath: The Voices in My Head Are Telling Me to...
Disclaimer: Some of you might remember this column from a few years back when we still lived at Viceland. When we moved to, though, it disappeared, so now we've dug it up. Enjoy. Hey, you...
View ArticleVICE Premieres: "Where the Kids Are" (Team Spirit Remix) by Blondfire
Blondfire recently released an album on Warner Bros. called Young Heart, and "Where the Kids Are" is the lead single from it. Team Spirit did a remix of it, and this is the official premiere of that...
View ArticleResist Control: A Guide to Riding Berlin Public Transportation For Free
Berlin public transit runs on the honor system. I’m on the U-8 line, on my way to work, when a group of controllers board the train. I don’t know what else to call them. The German word Kontrolleur is...
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