Chippy Nonstop Arts and Crafted Some Tour Diaries
Chippy Nonstop has been out on the road for the Group Hug Tour with Kreayshawn, Rye Rye, and Honey Cocaine, and we got her to sit down at a computer for a bit and put her art schooling to use for this...
View ArticleNoisey: Turbonegro - "I Got a Knife" Music Video Premiere
Here's the new video for Turbonegro's single "I Got a Knife," taken from their latest album Sexual Harassment, which was produced by Matt Sweeney. I shot it at Niagara Bar on 7th Street and Avenue A...
View ArticleWorld Peace Update
Oh hai, Israel! Nice of you to join us. Ever since one of your drones took out Hamas' military leader, Ahmed Jabari, in a missile strike last Wednesday, you've been bombing the crap out of the Gaza...
View ArticleIt's Not Paranoia When It's Real
So from time to time I shit on bands. But it's out of love. Love for shitting on bands. I did a shit on a band called Sabyrtooth, eight months ago, and they are stepping up to the plate to let me have...
View ArticleProlate Spheroid Preview: Shut Up and Give Thanks for Football
Let’s talk about Thanksgiving, a holiday that celebrates togetherness, good cheer, and cooperation between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims that allowed both groups to prosper, so many years ago....
View ArticleComics: Nick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #76
Hello, is it comic book journalism you're looking for? My name's Nicholas and I am VICE's Comics Expert or Comics Editor depending on who you ask. I do what is usually a weekly column for VICE with...
View ArticleRubber Bullets in the Streets of Madrid
Molly Crabapple returns with her sketches and observations from the protests in Madrid. Any protest, when you're in it, feels like it's going to change the world. I was balanced on a railing,...
View ArticleOur Guidance Counselor Likes Whores and Cocaine
In high school, there were always creepy-ass teachers and administrators who the students thought were weird enough to be up to some carnal-type shit when they were off the clock. Who hasn't imagined...
View ArticleAssad Bombed the Dar al Shifa Hospital
Today, the Dar al Shifa field hospital in Aleppo—which was the subject of the VICE documentary Ground Zero Syria: Aleppo Field Hospital—was bombed into rubble by Assad’s MIG jets. The FSA’s Aleppo...
View ArticleThe American Reader Is the New Paris Review
The New York literary world is a fetid, putrid swamp, cloistered off from the rest of America, as inbred as the Hapsburg Empire in the 19th century. Wesleyan grads move to the City and whore...
View ArticleThankskilling: Why Americans Could Learn a Lot from Eid al Adha
It’s always a wake-up call whenever I meet my uncle Bilal in Lahore, Pakistan. Seeing him is like looking at myself from a parallel dimension. Due to 12 generations of inter-cousin marriages, our...
View ArticleWe Sent Sam the Human Cat to Woofstock
Our intern Sam has a lot of things in common with a cat. He likes to sleep a lot, he's very particular about who he socializes with, and he'll spray you if he feels cornered or frightened. Knowing...
View ArticleDear Vincent Gallo
Welcome to the newest installment of a yet-to-be-titled series of open letters by New Zealand's foremost mail enthusiast, Reuben P. Bonner. Dear Vincent, Greetings on this beautiful morning and,...
View ArticleMandaean Refugees are Stuck Between Iraq and a Hard Place
A Mandaean refugee family in their apartment in Syria gathered around a photo of their murdered son. Photo by Nasir Shathur More than 1 million Iraqis fled to Syria during the sectarian bloodbath that...
View ArticleSomeone's Finally Made a Pair of Vagina Gloves
You know how every single time you blow your load inside a cheap, plastic sex doll, you always end up feeling that beautiful, tender moment of shared devotion and pray to whatever god you believe in...
View ArticlePalestinian Youths Are Being Shot in the West Bank
The shooting of Rushdie Tamimi. He died two days later in hospital. After a week of drones and heavy shelling, a calm fell over Gaza last night as the Israeli ceasefire took hold. Despite the truce,...
View ArticleI'm So Sick of These Hipster Trombonists
Above: hipsters Everyone knows now, that for a long time now that we have all been living in The Age Of Irony. New York Times writer Christy Wampole helpfully reiterated this to the masses in her...
View ArticleThe Aftermath of Yesterday's Bombing of Aleppo’s Dar al-Shifa Hospital
Today the dazed and grieving medical staff of Aleppo’s Dar al-Shifa Hospital, which just weeks ago I documented for VICE’s Ground Zero series, wandered around their razed makeshift medical facility,...
View ArticleI'm Sending Four People to Mars for the Rest of Their Lives
Space travel has always been tainted with a few big, unavoidable problems for me. The first is that I spent all three years of my university career occasionally learning what Foucault thinks about...
View ArticleShorties: We Sent Sam the Human Cat to Woofstock
Our intern Sam has a lot of things in common with a cat. He likes to sleep a lot, he's very particular about who he socializes with, and he'll spray you if he feels cornered or frightened. Knowing...
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