The Magickal World of Todd Pendu
If you live in New York City and you're into dark shit, you've probably been to one of Todd Pendu's parties. Todd is the man behind Pendu, one of the creepiest and most aesthetically pleasing...
View ArticleHow I Tried to Sell Obama's Fake Kenyan Birth Video
This is the second and final installment of my behind-the-scenes videos from the film that claimed to show baby Obama sliding out of Ann Dunham in Kenya way back in 1961. Since I am a creationist (I...
View ArticleThe VICE Guide to Syria
Illustrations by Mike Taylor We have put together this guide in an attempt to condense the facts gleaned from thousands of pages of reference books, biographies, religious texts, firsthand accounts,...
View ArticleRocky Anderson Knows Mitt Romney Well and Thinks He Has No Integrity
Being trapped in this presidential election's echo-chamber bombarded with talking points and half-truths from both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, it’s easy to forget that there are third-party...
View ArticleGround Zero: Syria - Aleppo Field Hospital
The atrocities and war crimes currently ripping Syria apart at the seams are evident at a field hospital in Aleppo, the country's largest city. Inside the hospital exhausted doctors indiscriminately...
View ArticleBehind the Scenes with Action Bronson at "The Symbol" Video Shoot
As the date approaches, we're starting to get weird and giddy about the release of the Rare Chandeliers mixtape, the latest offering from foodie rapper and VICE fam member, Action Bronson. The tape...
View ArticleThe Mercy Rule: Chris Berman Will Decide Our Nation's Fate
Image by Alex Cook There is, right now, a man's voice on the radio, confident and heavy on the bass. There's another voice over the phone—tinnier, reedier, narrower because of the being-on-the-phone...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to Bruce Jenner
Mish Way, lead singer of the Canadian punk sensation, White Lung, and resident hearthtrob of the VICE family, wanted to think about Bruce Jenner for awhile, and we were like, "go for it." Dear Mr....
View ArticlePaul Ryan: What Stupid People Think a Smart Guy Sounds Like
At its core, Paul Ryan’s appeal is simple: He's what stupid people think smart people sound like. MSNBC's commentary after the vice presidential debate in October captured the narrative pretty well:...
View ArticleDogmageddon: The Case for Voting
It's so easy to feel jaded at the American political system. It's become a game of multi-millionaires pouring capital into machines that siphon off half the funds to lobbyists and the other half to...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: Ever Been Made to Feel That Your Afro Is Unprofessional?
Whether you go natural, use chemicals, or rock a weave, hair is always a contentious issue in the black community. Some friends and I were told by a black teacher with chemically straightened hair...
View ArticleOn the Road with Obama and Romney: Ugliness in Ohio
Oh god, Ohio. It feels like life has stopped in anticipation. My sister in Portland wrote me an email yesterday that, I think, perfectly captures the awful situation this country is in, waiting for...
View ArticleVoter Disenfranchisement in South Florida
After a sordid and chaotic early voting process yesterday, the international media is anticipating that Election Day here in Florida will be a spectacular debacle. Once again, a state that cannot get...
View ArticleNick Gazin's Summer Photo Spectacular
Dear VICE Reader, Every three months I pool the best of my photos from the past season and present them here for you. Look upon my works and feel a mixture of things. Also, I make a seasonal mix CD to...
View ArticleAn Important Message from Lil Bub
Yesterday we got on the phone with the cutest cat on the internet and her owner, Mike Bridavsky. We've grown to know and love the two of them while making this documentary: We were like: "Mike, you've...
View ArticleLES in the Dark
These photos were taken the first night after the storm on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. I spent a few hours walking around with my camera through all the familiar places—my old neighborhood in...
View ArticleMotherboard Is Liveblogging the Election
It’s hard to imagine it’s possible, but it sure feels like the wealth of political media and pundits have grown since 2008, and the political news cycle has become even more compressed, bizarre, and...
View ArticleA British Person's Guide to the US Election
As President Barack Obama faces off against sinister cipher Mitt Romney, for those of you who continue to be baffled by the simplicity of American politics, I've carved through the three remaining...
View ArticleForeign Correspondents: Laurence Haim in the White House Press Pool
Canal Plus correspondent Laurence Haim joins the White House press pool (“the bubble,” as she calls it) as they follow Obama around the country in the final days of his campaign. She discusses the...
View ArticleVoting in Florida: Not a Total Shit Show... Yet
The upside of voting on Election Day this year is that a significant number of Floridians have already voted (as many as half of likely voters). Plus, there are about 6,000 polling places statewide...
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