Nerdwatch 2012
I attended the New York Comic Con this year, and it was such a beautiful experience that it pulled me out of a depression that didn't seem to have a foreseeable end. I hung out with friends, met some...
View ArticleDon’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game
Organized workers in the United States are down but not out. While Scott Walker sleeps peacefully in the Wisconsin Governor’s Mansion having survived a recall effort, renegade Wal-Mart workers have...
View ArticleWhat Do Billy Gibbons and the GZA Have in Common?
I met Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top in 2006 and the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan in 2009, and they both ended up telling me to leave them alone. In each instance, I was too excited and possibly too prepared....
View ArticleA Letter to My Future Biographer
Dear Authorized Biographer, If you are reading this than you already know: My legacy as a once-in-a-generation literary genius has stood the test of time. My unexpected and politically significant...
View ArticleMitt Romney: Safety Patrol Captain
Long before Bain Capital, Mitt Romney was managing underlings in grade school. Mitt was the captain of his school’s Safety Patrol Team, the AAA-sponsored crossing guard program that has, over the...
View ArticleLesbians No Longer: A Transgender Trip into Heteronormality
On the roof deck of their Williamsburg apartment, discussing which herbs and vegetables to plant this year, and which of last year’s plants might be salvageable, Sadie sits cross-legged and sips a...
View ArticleTalkin' 'Bout the Boards: I, for One, Welcome Our New Puppy Overlords
Dear VICE Lovers, You make comments on our site all the live long day, and we just take it. Until, WHAM, we retaliate with mean-spirited drawings of your stupid comments on our totally awesome...
View ArticleThe Life of the Party
Prostitutes, fun-loving though they are, find it a bit uncouth to call what they do behind closed doors “fucking.” They’d rather call it “partying.” In Nevada, where prostitution is legal, there's a...
View ArticleFashion Week Internationale: Seoul Fashion Week Part 3
Charlet makes friends with the world's only North Korea-born fashion student and they talk buying clothes vs. keeping your family alive. We then get treated to a very graphic look at the popular trend...
View ArticleMaggotted: UV Race Made a Movie
The Blues Brothers, Desperate Teenage Lovedolls, Spice World. The band movie runs on a basic premise: songs and fun trump script and performance. The same rule applies to Autonomy and Deliberation,...
View ArticleFashion Week Internationale: Seoul Fashion Week Part 2
Charlet meets the stylist for a K-pop boy band who's received death threats from fans for making them look gay, and messes up her interview with another boy band by asking about girls. She ends the...
View ArticleMarshall Headphones: On the Road: Killing Cats and the Occult - Trailer
In a bid to cover all angles of the metal world, Jesse heads to London. On day one he catches up with a roadie, a journalist and a groupie. Malcolm Dome is probably the UK’s number one metal...
View ArticleFashion Week Internationale: Seoul Fashion Week Full Length
FWI lands in Seoul, the technology and entertainment capital of east Asia. Charlet tries and fails to understand why people are shopping at 4AM, gets a makeover on the subway and meets Donald King,...
View ArticleFresh Off the Boat: Bay Area Part 2
Eddie heads to San Francisco's Mission District with the girls who run the pop-up street-dining operation Rice Paper Scissors. Their Vietnamese food is some of city's best and brings buddies together...
View ArticleKilling the Scourge of Email
I haven’t thought about spam for years. I mean, I know it’s there, in comment sections, and swept deftly under the rug of its eponymous folder in my email account. But I haven’t heard from any...
View ArticleThe Cute Show: Wiener Dog Races!
With their tiny legs, you'd think wiener dogs (or dachshunds, if you're a fancy lad) would be slow. NOT TRUE. These little ankle-nibblers can run faster than you and your lazy dog put together. Every...
View ArticleFashion Week Internationale: Seoul Fashion Week Part 1
Fashion Week Internationale lands in Seoul, the technology and entertainment capital of East Asia. Charlet tries and fails to understand why people there shop at 4 AM, gets a makeover on the subway,...
View ArticleLi'l Thinks: Me Vs. “Me”
Illustration by Penelope Gazin I’ve never had an abortion, but I’ve been to a few. They are or are not a big deal depending on a few things, like, how much religious or sexual dogma was absorbed...
View ArticleSeals Are Assholes
Photo courtesy of iStockphoto/dawnn Australian fur seals may sound like stuffed animals with a pulse, but in reality they’re greedy blobs of fat who will eat all of Tasmania’s salmon if the current...
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