Barbare Nitke, Arthur Danto, and the Art of Pornography
Eight months ago, Karley Sciortino, host of Slutever and resident sex expert, interviewed photographer Barbara Nitke about her new book, American Ecstasy, then in its beginning stages, which features...
View ArticleBollocks to the Hippocratic Oath: This Housewife Got a Slug Stuck in Her Vagina
Disclaimer: Some of you might remember this column from a few years back when we still lived at Viceland. When we moved to though, it disappeared, so now we've dug it up. Enjoy. Hey, you...
View ArticleFringes: Death of the American Hobo
travel DEATH OF THE AMERICAN HOBO THE NATIONAL HOBO CONVENTION REACHES THE END OF THE LINE By Aaron Lake Smith; Photos by: Jackson Fager When walking through a city, or a suburb, or a section of...
View ArticleI Hung Out in a Warlord's Arms Factory
I went to the north of Pakistan last year to make a film. Before I left, my friend Sami got in touch and said that he'd been to Pakistan before too, and needed to tell me about the time he visited a...
View ArticleThe Presidential Debate Moderators Are Pathetic Cowards
The other day, Gawker ran an article about the leaked memorandum of understanding the Obama and Romney campaigns signed that established the rules of the debates. John Cook called out the two...
View ArticleSwole
Photos by Ben Ritter Stylist: Annette Lamothe-Ramos Photo Assistant: Jason MacDonald Stylist’s Assistant: Miyako Bellizzi Hair and makeup: Ren Chang Manicurist: Holly Falcone Models: Julian and Josh...
View ArticlePassion Pit - "Constant Conversations" (Little Daylight Remix)
Passion Pit's second album, Gossamer, did the indie equivalent of splitting the atom, aka actually improving upon your first album and expanding your sound in ways that not only make sense, but are...
View ArticleThe Science Behind Tripping Balls
Kevin Balktick, founder of Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics According to hippies, psychedelics are like a window opening into profound introspection, or a catapult into transcendence. They are...
View ArticleTour Stories: A-Hole in a K-Hole
I used to work in a record store (back when those were a thing), and this guy would come in all the time to talk about music. One day he told me if my thumb and index finger created a tiny dip, then I...
View ArticleWorld Peace Update
This is a little awkward, but I just figured out that the guys on the Norwegian Nobel Committee haven't been following this column, because if they had they surely wouldn't have awarded the Nobel...
View ArticleBaseball Is Dead and So Is Civility
While Mitt Romney and Barack Obama squabble over whom is the most officious liar, the real war for America’s soul goes largely unnoticed. That fight is taking place between lines of chalk, on grass or...
View ArticleDinesh D’Souza Is the Most Successful Documentarian in the World, and a Scumbag
The first and most anticipated speaker at this past weekend’s Defending the American Dream Summit in northeastern New Jersey was Dinesh D’Souza. Long regarded as a stock “public intellectual” in the...
View ArticleTracing Kody Maxson, the Online Blackmailer Alleged to Have Tormented Amanda...
UPDATE: A commenter has alerted us to a Daily Capper video that mentions Amanda Todd and her habits on the internet video chat site BlogTV. You can watch the video here. The mention of Amanda begins...
View ArticleWe Saw This: Aquarium Drunkard's CMJ Showcase
Last night, Los Angeles-based music blog Aquarium Drunkard hosted their CMJ Showcase at Mercury Lounge in NY. With the subtitle of No Jacket Required, I couldn’t pass up a promise of drunken weirdness...
View ArticleThe Mercy Rule: Alex Rodriguez, All-American
Beyond the superhuman prerequisites—talent oozing out of pores, a decade or so of dominance, preferably a full head of hair—it's not quite clear what fans actually want in their all-time great...
View ArticleCMJ Bullshit - The Terrible Records Showcase
I would like to start this music post much in the same way I start all the others, by telling you about my life. I am currently really sweaty for no good reason, and my body feels like it has no...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: Could a Talking Dog Be President?
The second presidential debate was last night, and while it gave us a the enjoyable but bizarre image of women in binders, there wasn’t a whole lot of substance to it. How do we fix the debates, and...
View ArticleMårten Lange's Photos Speak Another Language
Swedish photographer Mårten Lange is of that rare breed of people to whom you can give a camera and, no matter what he takes a picture of – be it a shower curtain, a puddle or a cavity in a rock –...
View ArticleMarshall Headphones: On the Road: Rockfield Studios With a Wizard
Leaving the city behind, Jesse heads for the countryside of Tewkesbury to meet a man synonymous with heavy metal for decades. Krusher has been a metal broadcaster on radio and TV, has been a DJ and...
View ArticleKilling in the Name of
On May 28, 1993, a remote and dusty thicket of the Australian outback shook for hundreds of miles around. Deep reverberating explosions could be heard far and wide, the night sky illuminated by...
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