Vice Blog: VICE Premiere: "Baby Be" by the Pharmacy
Photo taken by Adarsha Benjamin It's perfect that we're posting a premiere of "Baby Be" off of the new Pharmacy album, Stoned & Alone, which is set to come out this November, because everyone at...
View ArticleVice Blog: This Guy Bends Hard Rods with His Mind
Photos by Hugo Denis-Queinec Jean-Pierre Girard in his teaching uniform, showing off his physique. Shit. I’ve been determinedly rubbing this metal skewer for more than 25 minutes and it still doesn’t...
View ArticleVice Blog: Michael Kimball’s Enormous Death-Eye
Michael Kimball has an uncanny ability to parse the most strange and painful parts of being a person into something most anyone could comprehend. Whether he’s writing about suicidal weathermen (as in...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: Would You Publish Photos of Kate's Boobs?
Welcome to Question of the Day! Today we'll be debating the ethics behind the K-Middy candid topless pictures. Kind of. *SHOCK NEWS* Kate Middleton—a woman and the future queen of the United...
View ArticleVice Blog: Criminal Chlorination
In the popular imagination, the landscape of clandestine chemistry is a monotonous one, peppered with pastures of GBL saponification and bluffs of pseudoephedrine reduction. But there exist lone...
View ArticleVice Blog: How Big Pharma Created a Generation of Oxyconteens in the US
Frank Morris was only 23 when he ended up in rehab. But he was already a full-blown junkie, smoking crack on the streets of San Francisco, and nearly losing his left arm after accidentally pumping a...
View ArticleThe Creators Project: "Parade" by Rone and Filip Piskorzynski
Ever since his 2009 album Spanish Breakfast, Parisian musician Rone has taken the French dance music scene by storm, earning nods from artists like Laurent Garnier, Pantha du Prince, and Sasha. Rone’s...
View ArticleVice Blog: Motherboard's Droneworld Is Tonight
They are overhead, far away, buzzing in the distance. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are cruising over Benghazi in the wake of the attack on the US Embassy in Libya, sniffing out jungle-coke labs...
View ArticleVice Blog: A Peek Inside the Life of the Real Mrs. Kanye West
Mrs. Kanye West is having no problem blending in here, on Eighth outside of the Port Authority, which sounds patently ridiculous until one realizes that her work ID lanyard is dangling nonchalantly...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Reluctant Roma Cannibals of Romania
If you haven't clicked it yet, the heartwarming video above features an old Romanian man talking about gypsies cutting off some little girl's extremities and eating them. If that wasn't enough,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Mob Rule at Mauerpark Karaoke
On any given summer Sunday when the weather permits, Joe Hatchiban straps a pair of speakers and a laptop computer to his bike, then cycles over to the Mauerpark, a grassy strip of parkland running...
View ArticleVice Blog: Edgeplay Isn’t Your Grandmother’s BDSM Scene
Photos by Edmund X. White In front me, a naked woman is chained between two men and is getting slapped with a dead squid while an audience of about a dozen watches. This isn’t performance art,...
View ArticleVice Blog: We Saw This: Austra
I'll go on record for the one-millionth time saying that Austra is one of the only bands, if not THE only band, that I will leave the house for, everytime. Some people have still never heard of...
View ArticleVice Blog: We Talked to Haleek Maul About His New Video for "M00N"
Haleek Maul is insular. Unlike most rappers who boast and brag, he seems lost in his own thoughts. He takes long breaks in between sentences, always trying to sharpen his phrases to express precisely...
View ArticleVice Blog: Uh-oh, the Rise of the Machines Is for Realsies
Photo by Winnie Au Our recent interview with Dr. Rich Terrile of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab about his compelling simulation argument seemed to cause a minor existential crisis amongst some of our...
View ArticleOne-Hit Wondering: Haddaway
Here's how this works: Each week, I listen to the entire discography of a single one-hit wonder band. Then, I let you know if their other songs are worth listening to or not. This week: Haddaway. What...
View ArticleVice Blog: Look at Andrew Horn's 'Taint'
It’s official: I can no longer bitch about people reading Fifty Shades of Grey on the subway. Not after unabashedly studying some pretty-detailed-for-a-doodle anal sex and scrotum sketches on the N...
View ArticleThe VICE Guide to 'The Master': Paulette Cooper Exposes for the World the...
In honor of the release of Paul Thomas Anderson's latest film, The Master, VICE will be cherry-picking articles from our vault of the peculiar and grotesque that have to do with strange sects and...
View ArticleVice Blog: Miguel Rising
The first time I saw Miguel in concert, I thought the dude from Twin Shadow had turned into an R&B singer while I wasn't looking. It was pretty recently, at MoMA PS1's annual Warm Up outdoor...
View ArticleQuestion of the Day: How Does Rain Happen?
This weird thing happened the other day: Water came down from the sky. A lot of water. Just boom, all of a sudden water is streaming down in drops and hitting the ground. We checked to see if there...
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