Vice Blog: Shooting the Shit
For all the visible horror and concussive din of combat, the smell war lingers and stings the most: burning vehicles, fuel, and flesh. Fresh, spent cordite. Salt water. Opium. Sewage. War reeks. If...
View ArticleVice Blog: Cry-Baby of the Week
It's time to laugh at two stupid cry-babies again! Cry-Baby #1: Houshang Jafari (via) The incident: A woman named Aghdas (pictured above right) found out her husband Houshang (pictured above left) was...
View ArticleVice Blog: Letter from the Guest Editor
The days of the gentleman scientist have long since passed, the chemical-supply stores have shut their doors, and some states have made unlicensed Erlenmeyer-flask possession a criminal offense. Our...
View ArticleVice Blog: Chuck Norris Has More Than Just Flexible Pants
Remember all those hilarious one liners about TV tough guy, and supernaturally be-gingered ghost grandpa, Chuck Norris? "Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits," for example. How we laughed at those! I...
View ArticleBoyle's Brains: The Secret Life of Objects on the Verge of a Nervous...
These packets of Stink Bug Attractant cling to the side of a Raid display, after the top bag realized mid-air that not only would their attempt at mass suicide likely fail, rumors of their “cry for...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Grandma Party Hotline Is the Weirdest Place on the Internet
Like a lot of people, I’ve seen a lot of things on the internet. Probably too much. I don’t mean “too much” in the sense of “I’m desensitized to sex and violence what is becoming of 21st century...
View ArticleA Living Diary of a Dying Industry: Have You Hugged a Music Publicist Today?
Record stores, musicians, and labels arguably have pretty difficult jobs, but they all have one thing going for them: they’re not publicists. I’ve been lucky to know a lot of music publicists in my...
View ArticleVice Blog: NYFW - More Clothing for Listless Wood Nymphs
This is going to be my fifith season covering NYFW for VICE and unlike some eager young whippersnappers, I’m jaded and cranky as fuck. Last year I exclusively wore jeans and a t-shirt all week long....
View ArticleGirl News: Girls and Fashion - Part II
Guys, it is Girls and Fashion: Part Deux: The Fashioning! Guess why. No guess. No guess. Because it is Fashion Week, which is when a particular subset of the beautiful and the damned do not so much...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Good, Bad, and Ugly from NYC’s Fashion Night Out
Fun fact: No one knows why Fashion's Night Out exists. Don’t fashion people go out seven days a week anyway? Why do they need to set aside a day to go out and drink and listen to techno? Whatever the...
View ArticleVice Blog: Inside New York City's Kung Fu Underground
Let's talk about a fight club. Before I arrived at Manup Standup—MUSU for short—the event's promoted assured me it was "taking over kung fu and hip-hop together,” and the poster pinned to the entrance...
View ArticleThe Recent Unpleasantness: iPhone 5 Drinking Games
“Apple sent out invitations Tuesday to a Sept. 12 event in San Francisco, where the company is expected to unveil a redesigned iPhone. ‘It's almost here,’ the Cupertino company said in the...
View ArticleVice Blog: VICE Premieres: "Right Way" by ROOM8
Ellen Frances follows our music editor on Twitter, and she sent over this video she directed for ROOM8, which is a band fronted by Ezra Reich and Nic Johns. Here's what she had to say about the making...
View ArticleVice Blog: Jaimie Warren Is a Large, Soft, Pink Blob That Dispenses Sweets
Yesterday, we told you all to get excited because our good friend, the amazing artist Jaimie Warren, was opening her new exhibition, The WHOAS of Female Tragedy, at Miami Dade College’s Museum of Art...
View ArticleWondering...: With God on All Sides
As 90 percent of Canadians live slavishly within a hundred miles of the US border, following the American presidential election is not only unavoidable, but something of a national sport, akin to...
View ArticleVice Blog: VICE at Hopscotch: Field Report of Our First Day
Raleigh, NC seems like a pretty nice place. The people are definitely friendly and overly apologetic when the most minimal slight occurs. At least that’s been my experience at the 2012 Hopscotch Music...
View ArticleVice Blog: Nick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #70
Dear Comic Bookos, I'll be in Santa Barbara on September 9 taking part in some sort of art salon with my mother and sister, where we will talk about ourselves. If you have $100 and want to see that,...
View ArticleVice Blog: FYF Fest, LA: Everyone Is Fucking Nice and Pretty
For people outside of LA, FYF Fest (formerly Fuck Yeah Fest, but they still opted to keep that second F á la ITT Technical Institute) is like the marijuana to Coachella’s heroin—everybody feels great,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Lost in America on Labor Day Weekend
Fuckin’ America, what a great place to get lost in! I'd only heard rumors about these dudes from Skate Lair being wild and not to fuck with, so I rented a car and drove to the Great North East to meet...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Pageantry of the Democratic National Convention
I’m standing in the lobby of the Ritz Carlton across from the Time Warner Cable Arena on the second night of the Democratic National Convention. The room is packed with delegates, journalists, and...
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