Exploring Hip-Hop's Recent Anti-Semitic Streak
Exploring Hip-Hop's Recent Anti-Semitic Streak
View ArticleIs Your Dog a Butterface? This Guy Can Help
Photo courtesy of Edgard M. Brito Just about everyone loves dogs, and if you don’t, you’re one of those “cats only” people who has trouble connecting with the human race. So it’s no surprise that dog...
View ArticleAmerica's Worst Housing Project Is Being Gentrified
Photos by Nate Miller Have you ever simultaneously regretted that the poor had been pushed out of a neighborhood, but wished you could have gotten in when rents were still cheap? Have you ever admired...
View ArticleWelcome to Nakhchivan, the San Francisco of the Caucasus Mountains
Some grandiose Nakhchivani architecture. As my plane touched down into Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, I half expected to step out into a crumbling landscape ripped from a still of Enemy...
View ArticleThe Forgotten Russian Enclave of Kaliningrad
Sweden's former prime minister Goran Person once described Kaliningrad this way: “It is heavily polluted. There are illnesses there like AIDS and tuberculosis. There is atomic waste. You find almost...
View ArticleAnton Chekhov Versus Jeffrey Dahmer
Image via Alex Cook Long considered one of the forefathers of the contemporary short story, Anton Chekhov (1860–1904) has continued for more than a century to be held up as an example of how to tell a...
View ArticleChildren's Go-Kart Racing Is Decadent and Depraved
Photos by Clare O'Kane I had already sucked down two premixed margaritas, paid for with my hard-earned VICE freelancer money, when the kid who ran the show handed me three drink tickets. It would be...
View ArticleThe People of Hastings Still Do May Day the Traditional Way
May Day is a bullshit holiday thought up by a bunch of heathens in the BC days. Originally a celebration of spring, it's now primarily an excuse for Europeans to be obnoxious and take a day off work....
View ArticleFarrah Abraham's Music Is Way Better Than Her Sex Tape
Farrah Abraham's Music Is Way Better Than Her Sex Tape
View ArticleI Lost My Mind in Kashmir
Years ago, against our parents' advice, my sister and I traveled to Kashmir. It was truly a place of incredible beauty, yet the ongoing boundary dispute between India and Pakistan seemed to have...
View ArticleA Cult Is Trying to Recruit Bob Dylan Fans
A few days ago, I went to see Bob Dylan play in Charleston, South Carolina. As I was leaving the show, I walked by a trio of hippie-ish young guys who were enthusiastically passing out newsletters to...
View ArticleSpeaking with Alleged Members of the SEA About the 'Onion' Twitter Hack
How the SEA made use of their time with the Onion's Twitter account. Last week, VICE interviewed Th3 Pr0, an alleged member of the hacker group Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) who claims to be the head...
View ArticleThe Founder of Jim’s Mowing will Make you Smarter and Save the World
Image via “We’re going to change the world. If my theory is correct, this will change everything. This will ruffle feathers, don’t you think anything else. You ask Galileo, you ask Darwin. This is...
View ArticleRussian Billionaire Dmitry Itskov Plans on Becoming Immortal by 2045
Itskov modeled as an avatar at Russia 2045's 2012 conference, via its Facebook page. Dmitry Itskov wants to live forever. The 32-year-old Russian billionaire and media mogul thinks he can do this by...
View ArticleCan Science Be Used to Critique Art?
Image via John Morton/Flickr It's an old opposition: art and science. Not opposition in the sense of conflict, necessarily, but rather in the sense of one appearing without the other. On the face of...
View ArticleKirin J Callinan - Embracism
If you've ever wanted to shower with Australian abrasionist Kirin J Callinan, or if you lie awake at night wondering what shower gel he uses on his lithe, lily-white body, this could be the video...
View ArticleTeaching Evil to Norwegians
Illustration by Olov Lagerqvist Norway has been linked to grandiose notions of evil for centuries. In the Middle Ages, some Europeans believed the country was full of witches, and in the 1990s, the...
View ArticlePowder and Rails: US Open - Part 4
Some crusty old snowboarders were probably pissed about it when, for the first time in 30 years, the Burton US Open Snowboarding Championships were not held in Vermont, but rather in Vail, Colorado....
View ArticleAlabama’s Strip Clubs of Death
Photo via A strip-club regular in Rialto, California, was so obsessed with a dancer he went to the club for several months specifically to see her. But when she refused to go home with him one night a...
View ArticleThere's an App that Lets You Play Dress Up with Drake
There's an App that Lets You Play Dress Up with Drake
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