Californians Are Dying to Go to Colma
Colma is a town just south of San Francisco, between the airport and the city. Surprisingly, many of the people who live there that I've talked to never really stop to think twice about the fact that...
View ArticleTrampoline Parties and Burning Cars: The Photography of Carl Heindl
Carl Heindl has always been one of our favorite Canuck photographers—and not just because his sister got bookz. Carl has the unique ability to strain the best parts of life through his camera and pull...
View ArticleInternet Psychonauts Try All the Drugs You Don't Want To
JWH-018 (a synthetic cannabinoid) powder. Photo via If you're looking for a new hobby and get a kick out of taking newly synthesized designer drugs before anyone else in the world, why not become a...
View ArticleYou Gave Us Webbys!
Last week we presented you with a simple choice: stroke our ego by voting for us in the Webbys, or murder us. That might have seemed drastic, but we needed validation that you people are picking up...
View ArticleHow Much Does the Church of Scientology Spend on Advertising?
The Church of Scientology has, for a long time, been putting a lot of money into advertising, most recently with the super expensive-looking Super Bowl ad embedded above and their disastrous attempt...
View ArticleListen to Kylesa's New Single, "We're Taking This"
Listen to Kylesa's New Single, "We're Taking This"
View ArticleNew York State of Mind: NY State of Mind #2
Hip-hop is having a renaissance right now in the city of New York, where it seems like every other day a new MC rises up out of the five boroughs with an even more unique style and approach to the...
View ArticleTao Lin's iPhone Photos of Taipei: Taipei Carbs
Over the next month, in celebration of the forthcoming release of Tao Lin's latest novel, Taipei, we will be featuring a weekly selection of photos taken by the author during his recent trip to...
View ArticleJason Collins Proves Coming Out Is a Great Career Move
Photo via Rex USA On April 15, 1947, Major League Baseball’s first black player, Jackie Robinson, walked onto the diamond at Ebbets Field unsure what would happen next. It was a year before President...
View ArticleThe Creators Project: Daft Punk's 'Random Access Memories' Collaborators:...
For the past few weeks we've been taking a look at the collaborators behind Random Access Memories, the new Daft Punk album. For episode six, we spoke with piano man extraordinaire Chilly Gonzales....
View ArticleHenry Hargreaves's Photos of What Famous Musicians Eat Backstage
A rider is a contractual proviso that outlines a series of stipulations or requests between at least two parties. While they can be attached to leases and other legal documents, they’re most famously...
View ArticleThe Syrian Electronic Army Talks About Hacking the 'Guardian' and Their Obama...
As the situation in Syria escalates, new battle lines are being drawn. With confirmation of Hezbollah fighters encroaching into Syrian territory to fight rebels and reports of the Free Syrian Army...
View ArticlePen Pals: Addiction Isn't a Disease, I'm Just a Dick
Photo via Flickr user Javier Moreno! When you’ve been sent back to prison multiple times for dirty pee like I have, you end up thinking a bunch about addiction—whether you’re a screwup or a bona fide...
View ArticleHorse Racing Is Totally Depressing When You're Blind
“Do you like sodomy? Do you like artificiality and cars? If so, stay in LA. Why would you decide to come to LA? If there’s wisdom I can give you, it’s leave LA. Do you fight?” An artifact of some...
View ArticleLebanon's Sunni Child Soldiers
AP Photo/Bilal Hussein Jamal’s father sips tea at a desk inside a makeshift bunker in Tripoli, Lebanon’s notoriously violent Bab el-Tebbeneh neighborhood. Sandbags are piled up against the windows,...
View ArticleVICE Shorts: I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: 'Food'
I know you've woken up before and thought to yourself, I’m hungry, I should eat breakfast. But you wait too long to eat and go the whole day starving, thinking to yourself, I’m so hungry now, I could...
View ArticleReviews
#outerdiv { width:100%; height:auto; overflow:hidden; position:relative; } #leftreview { position:relative; width:310px; height:auto; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px; } #rightreview { position:relative;...
View ArticleEvil Predator Fish from China That Can Live on Dry Land Are Invading Central...
Bad news, America. The frankenfish is back. Actually, these normally water-bound beasts are surely known by a number of names in China, Russia, and Korea, where they're native. In America, we call...
View ArticleBeware the Lizzies
PHOTOS BY LEONN WARD STYLIST: JOHN WILLIAM Photo Assistant: Joe Tovey Frost Stylist Assistant: Olivia Pigeon Hair: Marc Ramos Makeup: Theresa Davies Models: Christie at Nevs, Kyra, Lonnie, and Shaneke...
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