Forget Gun Control, Let’s Ban the Senate
Seriously, fuck these guys. Photo via Rex USA By now, you’ve probably already heard that the Senate voted down a gun control proposal yesterday—actually, they voted down a lot of different proposals,...
View ArticleBeyond the Mortar Fire: Sebastian Junger Remembers Tim Hetherington
Courtesy of HBO There’s a moment in Which Way Is the Front Line from Here, Sebastian Junger’s excellent new documentary about the life of acclaimed war photographer and Oscar-nominated British...
View ArticleNoisey: Parquet Courts - "Light Up Gold Road Trip" (Documentary)
Former Motherboard editor Sean Yeaton used to be Mr. Science. He'd walk around the VICE offices carrying a Bunsen burner and saying stuff like, "Drones! Chemistry! Saturn's rings!" No one knew what he...
View ArticleVICE on HBO: Congressman Jim McDermott on Depleted Uranium in Iraq
For VICE's upcoming piece on post-war Iraq, premiering on HBO tomorrow night at 11, we interviewed Congressman Jim McDermott of the Seventh District of Washington State. Congressman McDermott has been...
View ArticleYemen Wants Their Guantanamo Detainees Back
In some regards, the Yemeni government’s recent demand for the repatriation of Yemeni detainees who have been languishing in Guantanamo Bay for nearly a decade seemed to come out of left field, as did...
View ArticleRepublicans Don't Have a Ton of Empathy for Strangers
Something inevitable happened. The Senate voted down that bipartisan plan to expand background checks for guns. And, if you take the action-packed headline of the NY Daily News as any indication,...
View ArticleCry-Baby of the Week
It's time, AGAIN, to be surprised by how lame everyone on Earth is: Cry-Baby #1: Breen Malmberg (via) The incident: A Christian guy played a video game in which his character did something he had a...
View ArticleIt's Still All Right to Kill Your Wife and Sister in Jordan
The Amman citadel in Jordan. Photo via In Jordan, getting away with murder is easy, as long as the victim is your wife, sister, or daughter. Honor killings of women in the Arab nation number from 15...
View ArticleBob Odenkirk’s Page: The Overtime Secret
Photo by Jamie Lee Curtis Taete. Click to enlarge. Previously - What're You Into?
View ArticleHow to Protect Your Package from Lorena Bobbitts
Photo via Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, it is a perfect time to talk about one form of sexual assault that often gets ignored by hairy, bra-burning feminists: woman-on-wiener...
View ArticleI Stayed up All Night Watching Coverage of the Boston Bomber Manhunt
I changed the channel during 9/11. Now, in my defense, I was 14. Also, the moment I switched channels, bleached out tit parade Jillian Barberie and the rest of her gang of early-morning yell boxes on...
View ArticleOutside the Bombing Suspects' Home in Boston
As the manhunt for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev continues, a reader sent us these photos from outside the home Dzhokhar shared with his brother, who was killed early this morning by Boston police. The...
View ArticleA Neo-Aztec in Mexico City
Photos by Kurt Hollander. In Mexico City, Aztec culture is not just scattered ruins, jade masks hung in museums, or concheros dressed in colorful feathers dancing and offering to pose with tourists in...
View ArticleNick Gazin's Comic Book Love-in #85
Dear Comic Book Aficionados, The yearly MoCCA Fest was held again recently. I was there, despite being very sick. I was so sick that I coughed up blood and had to take little rests so I didn't black...
View ArticleRobert Mugabe Is Having a Tantrum Again
Zimbabwe is about to hold its first presidential election since an important new constitution was passed last month. That constitution introduces all sorts of stuff (freedom of expression, free media,...
View ArticleThis Week in Racism: People Being Beaten up for "Looking Arab"
Photo by Nate Miller There’s one question I get asked more than any other on a daily basis. That question is, of course, “Where can I find all the most racist stuff on the internet?” I have no clue...
View ArticleThe Mercy Rule: Why Sports Help
Photo via Rex USA At some point, it’s clearly best just to turn it off. These blasts of idiot panic on Twitter, all these self-appointed (and actually appointed) social-media editors burping up...
View ArticleObseshes: Rabbit-Soft Self-Care
Photo via You know that part in SubUrbia (1996, not the 1983 Penelope Spheeris movie of the same name, minus the capitalized U; a medium-OK 90s-sploitation movie; nonclassic; but I guess worth...
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