Berliners Are Waging a War Against Gentrification
It’s been 23 years since the Berlin Wall was demolished, and now the bulldozers are back. This time, however, no one’s clapping. When word got out that a developer was planning to build a luxury...
View ArticleWhy Did a Student in Montreal Get Arrested for an Instagram Post?
The infringing artwork. Found via Statigram. On Wednesday night, news broke that a 20-year-old “supporter of the student movement,” Jennifer Pawluck was arrested in Montreal for posting a picture to...
View ArticleNew Atheism's Nasty Streak of Islamophobia
"New Atheist" Richard Dawkins. Photo by Mark Coggins via Flickr I’m an atheist, and it’s never been a big deal for me. My belief—or lack of belief—might have been more important to me if I was from...
View ArticleWeediquette – Acid Reflections
Like everyone who lives in New York, I secretly hate it. Even for the most resilient partier, life in this city occurs in a sequence of overcrowded, exasperating scenes punctuated by moments of...
View ArticleNate Hill and Death Bear Revisited
“Treat that box of fish guts like a lady,” Nate Hill warned the festive crowd. The way he towered over everyone had me checking for a box under his feet. There wasn’t any. He’s just that tall. The...
View ArticleCan I Get in the Van?
Illustration by Todd Ryan White In the summer of 1981, a young and unknown 20-year-old punk from Washington, DC, named Henry Garfield jumped up onstage to sing an encore with Black Flag at a show in...
View ArticleThe Dutch Love Ecstasy So Much Their Dirt Is Toxic
Photo courtesy of Staatsbosbeheer With its liberal stance on the best type of drugs, the Netherlands has been one of the top producers of ecstasy for the past decade. What isn’t going to make you want...
View ArticleNoisey Specials: In the Studio with Phoenix
Phoenix will release their fifth album, Bankrupt!, on April 22nd in the UK/Europe on Loyaute/Glassnote/Atlantic Records UK. We traveled to Paris to hang out with in them in the studio… Watch the video...
View ArticleLife Doesn't Find a Way: Some Sad Truths About 'Jurassic Park'
Life Doesn't Find a Way: Some Sad Truths About 'Jurassic Park'
View ArticleIn Defense of Paranoia
Image via Flickr user Ralph Buckley According to a poll released last week by Public Policy Polling, 4 percent of Americans—quotes are essential here—“believe shape-shifting reptilian people control...
View ArticleThe Robot That's Going to Save Syrians from Assad's Snipers
Sniper alleys are rife in Syria. Streets manned silently by Assad's gunmen, the specific locations of these death traps often aren't known until someone takes a wrong turn and gets shot. A dire side...
View ArticleThe Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher
JIRO BEVIS ROSE BLAKE JO SINCLAIR MIMI LEUNG TED PEARCE GEORGIA-ROSE FAIRMAN LIAM SPARKES For more political drawings, check these out: Road to Ruin Dress The Part! Bradley Manning's Court...
View ArticleKill the Engine: Dear Children's Place, I'm Sorry
Last August, my skateboard company, Roger Skateboards, released a full-length video on Thrasher magazine's website titled Secondhand Stoke. The video featured an illustration of a skull wearing a pair...
View ArticlePennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, Stealth Tea Partier
After Obama’s 2008 election, a horde of conservative Republican governors won office across the country. The famously irascible Chris Christie vetoed same-sex marriage, refused to extend a tax on...
View ArticleAntarctic Space Race 2012: The Results
In 1964 a Russian geographer by the name of Andrey Kapitsa discovered 250 kilometres of Antarctic sheet ice, which appeared to be hollow. Kapitsa speculated that what he’d actually found was a...
View ArticleYour Huge Cock Is Overrated
Photo by Shockingly Tasty via Flickr When I was 18, I met a guy who worked in a surf shop. I was buying a white triangle bikini that had sequin flowers embroidered on it. His name was Zane, which at...
View ArticleAnonymous Is Doing Nothing to Stop Israeli Aggression
It’s tempting to think that Anonymous’s renewed attacks on Israel’s cyber-infrastructure will begin to make a difference in the ongoing conflict between the Jewish state’s efficient military machine...
View ArticleA Feminist Non-Sports Fan on the Mike Rice Case
Last week, Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice was fired for physically and verbally abusing players on his team. Hard to believe from the above photo, right? As someone who does not follow or know...
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