Far Out: Agafia's Taiga Life - Trailer
In 1936, a family of Russian Old Believers journeyed deep into Siberia’s vast taiga to escape persecution and protect their way of life. The Lykovs eventually settled in the Sayan Mountains, 160 miles...
View ArticleSea DMT
Illustration by Santtu Mustonen. Background photo courtesy of the NOAA. Writing almost exclusively about psychoactives, it is not unusual for me to be contacted by strangers who wish to report on the...
View ArticleTo Combat China's Hacker Army, the US Is Copying Its Methods
To Combat China's Hacker Army, the US Is Copying Its Methods
View ArticleThe Bizarre and Deadly Fight to Be Crowned the Sultan of Sulu
Jamalul Kiram III. Sabah is a moderately sized state in the most northeastern part of Malaysia. It's probably best known for being quite hilly and for housing an incredibly brutal Japanese POW camp...
View ArticleAre We There Yet? - The March/April Issue of 'Endtime Magazine'
Are We There Yet is a new feature in which I break down the current issue of Endtime Magazine, the bimonthly print publication of Endtime Ministries. As you might have guessed, Endtime’s purpose is to...
View ArticleWhat Do Hate Groups Think of Anne Hathaway?
Photo via/via Have you ever met anyone who likes Anne Hathaway? No? Me either. Even if someone doesn't know who she is, you can just show them a picture of her smarmy, drama school face or that clip...
View ArticleAustralian Prisoners Are Giving Themselves DIY Penis Implants
I’ve never been to prison, but I have friends who have and every single one of them says the worst thing about it is the excruciating boredom. On the flip side, when your only entertainment options...
View ArticleWe Spoke to Barrett Brown from Prison
via Nikki Loehr. Since my initial piece on Barrett Brown about a month ago, there has been a small development in his case. Barrett, of course, is the journalist who is popularly mislabeled as a...
View ArticleSpring Break Forever
Deschain bikinis and shorts, vintage accessories Photos & Styling by Miyako Bellizzi Hair Stylist: Darine Sengseevong Models: Alexis, Aline, Mariana, and Sofia Wildfox sweater, Margarita swimsuit,...
View ArticleTubesteak: The Red Marriage Equality Sign on Your Facebook Profile Is...
It's a big week in the fight for “marriage equality,” which is what most gay activists want us to call gay marriage. Today the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against Proposition 8, the...
View ArticlePower Moves by Karl Welzein: How to Keep It Chillin' Successfully When You're...
Karl Welzein is the President and CEO of Bad Boy City, USA. Follow him @DadBoner. First and foremost, I’d like to give a special K-Money Triple Crown* to all the thick and juicy, all-natural USA babes...
View ArticleMy Old Navy Addiction
Photo illustration by Courtney Nicholas Editor's note: There is no relation between this piece, written by our longtime columnist Jizz Jussinger, and the piece in GQ by Friday Night Lights author and...
View ArticleNo Zu Communicate in Circadian Rhythms
NO ZU is a rhythmic weirdo band that hails from the suburbs of Melbourne and shines on festival and neighborhood rec center stages alike. Headed by Nic (the guy with the trumpet), their sound doesn’t...
View ArticleI'm On a Boat: Here Comes Turnaround Policy
Immigration is always a big issue during a federal election, so it’s no surprise the government is once again ripping out hair trying to solve the problem of boat people. One possible solution we Navy...
View Article98 Degrees Have a New Song About How Their Penises Are Microphones
98 Degrees Have a New Song About How Their Penises Are Microphones
View ArticlePortland, Oregon, Is a Paradise
Welcome to Portland, Oregon: recently crowned karaoke capital of the USA by the New York Times. The rent is cheap, everyone is in a band, and the unofficial slogan of the city is "Keep Portland...
View ArticleThe Rohingya Movement, as Seen by a Journalist in Burma
Children at an unregistered Rohingya refugee camp in southeast Bangladesh. Photo by no_direction_home Last Sunday, the internet was temporarily shaken up by a campaign designed to highlight the plight...
View ArticleRichard Hell Talks About His Epically Badass New Memoir
Photo by Iniz and Vinoodh Richard Hell—legendary punk rock iconoclast, intrepid novelist, poet, and now memoirist—is lounging on his couch in the cozy East Village pad he’s called home since 19...
View ArticleVICE Shorts: I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: 'I'm Never Afraid!'
It astounds me when people know what they’re put on Earth to do, even if they have fears or reservations about it. Which is why I'm inspired by I'm Never Afraid!'s hero, Mack "the Motor Midget"...
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