Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers: An Interview with Harmony - Part 2
Director Harmony Korine describes how he made Spring Breakers and turned four college girls' quest to extend spring break forever (bitches!) into a hypercolored ecstasy trip through the teenage...
View ArticleMy Life Online: The Web 1.0 Music of Jerome LOL
Jerome LOL is a young artist who found his niche in reappropriating GIFs and images from the early days of the internet—a time he calls web 1.0. His work hits a certain nostalgic nerve, and if you...
View ArticlePower Moves by Karl Welzein: How to Figure out What's Really Important in...
Karl Welzein is the President and CEO of Bad Boy City, USA. Follow him @DadBoner. ‘Sup. Karl Welzein comin’ atcha live and direct from Grand Blanc, Michigan. I been keepin’ it chillin’, livin’ in my...
View ArticleVegans Are Branding Their Flesh in Leeds
The video above shows some vegan activists in Israel branding themselves with the number 269 to draw attention to the plight of all the animals that get brutally chopped up in abattoirs so that you...
View ArticleThe American Student Who's Planning an Israeli-Palestinian Music Festival
A photo Andrew took in Israel. Andrew Roseman, like thousands of American students, visited Israel last year to experience the country’s culture and history. But unlike some young tourists, who spend...
View ArticleObseshes: Everyone's All About It
Photo by Annabel Mehran SPRING BREAKERS VICE very presciently did up a whole issue loosely themed around spring break (I wrote about “limited chaos,” which is going to solve your life if it needs...
View ArticleWhat the Sequester Really Means: The Poor Will Suffer More
Photo by Gage Skidmore For a hot second, the sequester was big news. Pundits who had been warning us about it for months were finally given a chance to talk about it in action. From the sound of it,...
View ArticleKickin’ It with the ‘Terns – No Pain, No Fame
One of the great crimes of late-period capitalism is the erosion of the entry-level job. We no longer pay our youngest workers to do the tasks we don’t want to do; instead we offer them class...
View ArticleZombies, Comics, Fast Cars, and Video Games: An Interview with Kavinsky
(Photo by Vincent Desailly) Our fascination with superheroes grows out of the desire for an alter ego, a Superman to our everyday Clark Kent. Most of us fall into characters of our own creation quiet...
View ArticleNick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #84
Dear Comic Booklings, How's it going? Oh, really? OK, don't actually care. Here are the things of import happening right now in the world of drawings, paintings, inkings, and drawings with words in...
View ArticleTaji's Mahal: Cheney Orr's Fleeting Youth
For this week's Mahal, I got to meet up and talk photography with Cheney Orr. When he is not traveling the Middle East, “hunting for light,” he can be found tromping around New York City documenting...
View ArticleA Toxic Tour of Canada's Chemical Valley
The most shocking thing about Sarnia, Ontario’s “Chemical Valley” is that people actually live there. Collectively forming a post-human landscape, more than 60 oil refineries and petro-chemical...
View ArticleTo Grandpa's House We Go
Lee Jeans top, American Apparel shorts, Happy Socks socks, Adidas sneakers Photos and Styling: Anna Bloda Model: Sylwia Blaszczyk John Deer T-shirt, BDG skirt Vintage shirt and sunglasses; John Deere...
View ArticleComics: Toxoplasmosis - Part 3
Start from the beginning: Toxoplasmosis - Part 1 Toxoplasmosis - Part 2
View ArticleWill Cypriots Have to Pay to Clear Up Their Bankers' Mess?
On Saturday, Cypriots were looking at the possibility of having the government freeze their bank accounts and take a portion of their savings without even giving them the time to rush to the bank,...
View ArticleKurds in Syria Celebrate Their New Year with Hope and Defiance
(Photos by Martin Armstrong and Giacomo Cusquena) When I first got to the large field overlooking the northern Syrian town of Afrin, I wasn’t quite ready for the scale of the celebration I had come to...
View ArticleWeediquette – Prohibition Smoke Down in Philly
When I lived in Philadelphia, I didn’t think much about the law. As a college student, I was off the police's radar. They had their hands full with actual violent crime and also profiling black dudes...
View ArticleKillers of Serpents
A nine-foot Burmese python with a 9mm bullet hole in its skull. Photos by Jason Henry. On July 1, 2009, a pet Burmese python in Oxford, Florida, escaped from its terrarium, slithered into the crib of...
View ArticleForget Sunshine
So it’s March, a time when hordes of whores from universities across the globe dramatically break their pencils and Trapper Keepers and flee to tropical destinations like Florida, Mexico, and Hawaii...
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