North Korea Is Testing a Fleet of Killer Drones
They may not rear their bulbous warheads anywhere in that nuke-y new music video, but lethal drones are now apparently in Pyongyang's hands. It's been reported that as recently as last year North...
View ArticleFormat got Kicked Out of its Weird Little Nerd Hole
Photo by Kat Botten Adelaide's Format Collective have been using their downtown space and DIY credentials to incubate artists and bands since 2008. We heard of their landlord's plan to kick them out...
View ArticleTrip Report: I Went to Lit Sober
This is not a picture of me at Lit. There are no pictures of me at Lit. People don't take pictures of you when you're boring. Photo by Nick Gazin The Lit Lounge, if you aren't from New York, is a...
View ArticleNoisey: Style Stage: A Documentary About Hair, Style, and Music
Style Stage: A Documentary About Hair, Style, and Music
View ArticleClubbed by Growth
America’s political elites are always in search of something new to obsess over. Sometimes it’s immigration. Ten years ago, it was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Lately it’s been economic...
View ArticleWhat’s the Best Way to Kill a Puppy?
Even if you accept the premise that kill shelters are a necessary evil and that ownerless dogs should be put down so they don’t live aimless lives as nonpets, wouldn’t you agree that puppy gas...
View ArticleMotherboard: 'Click. Print. Gun.' (Trailer)
Cody R. Wilson has figured out how to print a semiautomatic rifle from the comfort of his own home. Now he's putting all the information online so that others will join him. Click. Print. Gun....
View ArticleGirl Eats Placenta
When my very pregnant friend called recently to tell me that she had arranged for her placenta to be encapsulated and invited me to come watch the whole process, it was a dream come true. I had been...
View ArticleRelax, Soda Isn’t Killing Anyone
Today, the left-wing blog ThinkProgress freaked out over a study that linked soda and other sugary drinks to 180,000 deaths globally each year. According to that study, “one out of every 100...
View ArticleCake's Former Drummer Was Just Found Guilty of Child Molestation
Cake's Former Drummer Was Just Found Guilty of Child Molestation
View ArticleIrrelevant Interviews: Greer McGettrick of the Mallard
We met up at a park. The sun was out, and Greer McGettrick squinted into it as I circled her, taking photos. She lamented wearing sunglasses. “I hate pictures of musicians in sunglasses,” she said. I...
View ArticleThe ATL Twins Take Us Behind the Scenes of the 'Spring Breakers' Premiere in LA
Our friends the ATL Twins, who you might recognize from the cover of VICE’s March issue and from Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers, sent us a bunch of photos from the Spring Breakers premiere...
View ArticleBob Odenkirk’s Page: What're You Into?
Photo by Christian Storm Click to enlarge. Previously - Hey Dame B, Who Are You Hoping to Bump Into at Fashion Week?
View ArticleNeither Big nor Easy: Someone Stole My Students’ Music Writing
During my 12 years in New Orleans, I’ve managed to mostly avoid crime. For five of those years, I tempted fate by not owning a car and riding everywhere on bikes—three of which I did lose to thieves,...
View ArticleVICE News: In Saddam's Shadow - Part 4
VICE founder Suroosh Alvi returns to Baghdad ten years after the US invasion. In the fourth and final part of this documentary, we learn about the ADE 651, a small device the Iraqi military uses at...
View ArticleFacedown in Chitral
The view of Afghanistan from the top of Bumboret, the largest of the three Kalash valleys. Rudyard Kipling’s “The Man Who Would Be King” is a 19th-century tale of empire, madness, and idolatry...
View ArticleSux by Suxwest: Suck Me Heavy, Heavy Metal
A red, crying lady picked me up at the Austin airport. We were looking for the Baptizer who had flown in from somewhere else for the Sux by festival, too. He does Christian power electronics; I...
View ArticleVICE Loves Magnum: The Way Christopher Anderson Sees the World Is Amazing
Magnum is probably the most famous photo agency in the world. Even if you haven't heard of it, chances are you're familiar with its images, be they Robert Capa's coverage of the Spanish Civil War,...
View ArticleThis Woman Who Hates Women Just Made My Day
I don’t mean to brag, but when it comes to slang I can crack abbreviations and decipher code names quicker than it takes you to log on to Urban Dictionary and realize that you’re old and pathetic....
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