Obseshes: The Dunham Rule
CODIFYING So last week I/we (it’s a communal process, you know?) invented “Swift-boating” to describe the undue overattention and bushfire criticism that a young, pretty woman who says stuff (“says...
View ArticleThe Lovely Ladies of CPAC
There is a lot of stuff to do at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) beyond listening to right-wing politicos bloviate about taxes and the gays. You can eat free cocktail shrimp until you...
View ArticleThe Mercy Rule: Bill Walton, the Tallest Troll
For the most part, the people calling college basketball games on television are effectively interchangeable. On play-by-play, there’s usually the khakified tones of Jim Nantz, a man who both is and...
View ArticleTaji's Mahal: Hanging with Al Rogers
For this week's Mahal, I met up with Baltimore rapper Al Rogers and New York City shredder Eby Ghafarian to cruise the Lower East Side and pre-game the release of Al's first ever LP, Almost. Al got...
View ArticleOpen Hillel Campaign Stirs the Pot on BDS-Jewish Relations
There’s a saying within the American Jewish community, a common self-effacing in-joke: “For every three Jews, you’ll find four opinions.” Far from being just a way to draw a cute yuck during an open...
View ArticleHey Black Dudes, Why the Hell Are You at CPAC?
I know why I am at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference right now—I lost an arm wrestling match to fellow VICE editor Kelly McClure. She's at South By Southwest eating tacos and hanging...
View ArticleBack Behind Bars with Gaddafi's Would-Be Assassin
Twenty-six years ago, Azeddine Madani would have done anything to escape his cell in Tripoli's notorious Abu Salim prison, but right now he’s wrangling with armed guards in an effort to get back in....
View ArticleThis Guy Took Out a Gigantic Loan to Destroy the Financial System
In 2008, anti-capitalist campaigner Enric Durán borrowed €492,000 ($642,306) from 39 different financial entities with absolutely no hope or intention of paying it back. But—as you might expect from...
View ArticleCan This Be Over Now? - SXSW Day Four
Well, after waking up and checking my outgoing text messages from yesterday, it seems as though I spent most of the day, and all of the night, texting my boss about how I just want him to "understand...
View ArticleIs Everyone Having Sex on the Plane Except Me?
I once heard about a girl who met a guy on a plane and jerked him off under a blanket while his girlfriend slept on the other side of him. For all I know, these could be some truly horrible, abnormal...
View ArticleHow Was Your Weekend?: Antwon
Antwon wanted to party. He partied. It was a pretty good weekend.
View ArticleI Partied with Some Young Republicans at CPAC
The Conservative Political Action Conference is an annual event where prominent right-wingers get together and plot ways to start new wars and keep your wieners out of other dudes' buttholes. It's a...
View ArticleGaza's Graveyards for The Living: Now Flooded with Sewage Water
Haneen Khader had no option. As soon as she learned of her father’s death, her March wedding celebration had to be canceled. Forty-one-year-old Bassam Khader, an unemployed construction worker, had...
View ArticleWeediquette – The Amplifier Effect
The first month of college is a time when young people, out on their own for the first time, bound around like atoms in a chemical configuration that’s just taking shape, bonding to compatible...
View ArticleThe Joseph Colony Fire: Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan Provide Cover for All...
Image via On the morning of March 9th, a mob set fire to the Joseph Colony in Badami Bagh, a Christian neighborhood in Lahore, Pakistan. Television cameras captured crowds celebrating their arson that...
View ArticleWho is Adam GIles?
Photo courtesy of: CAAMA Radio, Alice Springs Australia’s first Aboriginal head of a government has come to power, but under shady circumstances that are becoming all too common. This is not an Obama...
View ArticleWe Made the Casino Priest Review Hillsong's "Zion"
It’s been 10 days since Australia's Christian super church, Hillsong, struck number five on the US billboard charts with their new album Zion. As with all Billboard-related news, I didn’t notice or...
View ArticleNocturnal Submissions: It’s Only Pornography
Scot Sothern is a Los Angeles-based photographer and a big prostitute fan. He has been interacting with and photographing hookers since the 1960s, and his images have been widely exhibited in...
View ArticleToyo Ito's Biggest Building: A Stadium That's Secretly a Solar Power Plant
Toyo Ito's ascendancy into the architectural Pantheon—solidified by his winning of the Pritzker Prize today—began with the luminous and transparent houses and public buildings he designed in his...
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