Meet the Bad Moms Club
Photo by In the spring of 2010, my mom got a reality check when she saw a poster that said “Live, Love, Laugh, Forgiveness” and realized that she hardly ever laughed and had...
View ArticlePower Moves by Karl Welzein: How Loco Cool Ranch D'Reet Tacs and Kate Upton's...
Karl Welzein is the President and CEO of Bad Boy City, USA. Follow him @DadBoner. ’Sup. Karl Welzein here, hailing from Grand Blanc, Michigan, with a very important message about America, the USA, and...
View ArticleArt Talk: Rostarr
Romon Kimin Yang, a.k.a. Rostarr, is a painter, calligrapher, and filmmaker living and working in Brooklyn. He spent much of his early career focusing on painting and graphic design, blurring the...
View ArticleKill the Engine: I Finally Watched 'Street Dreams'
Last week I tried to watch Street Dreams only to find out that I had mistaken the title for a Christian propaganda film titled Hardflip. If you want to read a review of that movie, click here. If you...
View ArticleThe Romance Behind the Designs of Robert Geller
I visited menswear designer Robert Geller at his Tribeca showroom and design studio only a few days after he presented his latest fall collection at New York Fashion Week. The 36-year-old designer had...
View ArticleThe Guy Who Produced Snow's "Informer" Now Makes Bubbles in Madison Square Park
The Guy Who Produced Snow's "Informer" Now Makes Bubbles in Madison Square Park
View ArticleBradley Manning's Court Testimony—Leaked
When Army Pfc. Bradley Manning spoke before a military judge at length for only the second time ever last month, the media gallery next to the Fort Meade, Maryland, courtroom was arguably the most...
View ArticleJames Stockbauer's SXSW 2013 Survival Tips
SXSW is a gauntlet of booze, bands, and BBQ. When we first started going to it years ago, we were assigned mentors to help us avoid the typical rookie pitfalls. One of these Austin lodestars was...
View ArticleTheo Cottle Takes Great Photos of Rough People
On first glance, Theo Cottle's photographs would lead you to believe that he's quite the English hood rat. As a man of few words, Theo doesn't need to speak much in order to increase the impact of his...
View ArticlePopping the Marks: The Problem with White Converts
You’d think that two white American guys embracing Buddhism and Islam in the age of colonialism could have become awesome champions of antiracism and solidarity with oppressed peoples. But no....
View ArticleThe Creators Project: Design Your Own Clothes with Continuum Fashion
Continuum Fashion is a label that allows people to create their own designs using the hive mind of the internet as well as apps. It's one of those crowdsource-y, DIY companies that people learn about...
View ArticleLet My People Go (Party)
Photo illustration by Alex Cook There are plenty of spring break packages available for kids who want to get drunk, break out in gross blisters from spending too many hours in the sun, and dry-hump...
View ArticleHere's Where You Can Watch Snoop Lion's 'Reincarnated' Documentary
Here's Where You Can Watch Snoop Lion's 'Reincarnated' Documentary
View ArticleAfrica's Biggest Film Festival Isn't Scared of a Little Jihad
The red carpet at the snappily named Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou. While French troops were killing Islamists in Mali last month, thousands of film fans were gathering just a...
View ArticleLi'l Thinks: Limited Chaos
Illustration by Penelope Gazin I have two recurring dreams. One is none of your business until I make it your business and the other you’re going to hear about even if you don’t want to: It’s about a...
View ArticleFront and Center at the Poop Show - SXSW Day One
I put "poop show" in the title of this post for two reasons: 1) I don't think we can say shit anymore, and 2) SXSW, for me at least, seems to always center around how much I have to crap my face off...
View ArticleTubesteak: Guys, It's Time to Stop Shaving Your Junk
There is nothing more disappointing than taking a new guy home for the first time and ripping his clothes off, only to find that he has "manscaped" himself to look like some sort of dude-shaped...
View ArticleAdvertorial: We Live in a Dishonest Generation
Let’s be honest. We live in a dishonest generation. Politicians are lying to us, half the world has plastic surgery, and no one really knows what’s genuinely cool and what’s just ironically cool. In a...
View ArticleHarmony Korine's Spring Breakers: Partying in Panama City Beach
An overview of the eight-week period of spring break in Panama City Beach, Florida, when hundreds of thousands of students take over the usually sleepy beach town. We talk to the mayor, the chief of...
View ArticleAre Boxers Happy?
A few weeks ago I asked a group of model-train enthusiasts about the secret of happiness. They told me that if you’ve got a hobby you can spin all of life’s pain and horror to the sides and focus on...
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