Vice Blog: I Walked Around in NonMuslim Clothes All Day Every Day Before I...
After reading Annette Lamothe-Ramos’ piece about walking around in a burqa all day, I felt, like many of you, I had to write something in response. I am not going to throw insults at her or defame the...
View ArticleVice Blog: A$AP Ant and Young Shaka Want Internet Thugs to Know It's "On Sight"
When you say "Baltimore" in front of white people, they immediately think of the Wire—which is great to torrent and watch on your computer in eight hour sessions, but would be kind of scary to...
View ArticleMunchies: Emma Hearst
Why do skinny women cook the most delicious fattening food? We saw it first with Christina Tosi and her bevy of beauties from Milk Bar, and now again at Sorella with Emma Hearst. Sorella serves some...
View ArticleVice Blog: Chunklet To Go Go: Bringing in the String Section with Michael Gira
Michael Gira is not known for making tepid, lightweight albums. From the slo-mo bludgeoning of 1984's Cop to the stentorian beauty of 1987's Children of God to the near-symphonic collages of 1996's...
View ArticleVice Blog: Paul Ryan, All-American Teenager
Hey, have you guys heard about this Paul Ryan character yet? He sure is divisive! Just a few short days after he was announced as Mitt Romney’s running mate he’s become one of the Top Things To Have...
View ArticleVice Blog: Olly Riley and the New UK Tween Twitterati
@rileyy_69 shhhh batty boy, you wear primark belts, what girl would want you? — Oll (@_OllyRiley) August 13, 2012 While scouring the spiky undergrowth of Twitter the other day, I noticed a vicious,...
View ArticleVice Blog: Mom's Musical Corner
Moms, amiright? Hi, I'm Sasha. You might know me as the Associate Editor of Noisey or the author of a column that I won't link here because my mom is going to be reading this. We see a lot of music...
View ArticleVice Blog: Berlin Story: Ramones Museum Versus Cafe Halford
Berlin is not really known for being a rock ‘n’ roll town, but if you are into that kind of stuff, there are some good cafes. There is the Ramones Museum (Krausnickstrasse 23), whose front room is...
View ArticleVice Blog: The Arab Spring's Forgotten Uprising
Ahwazi national flag. The Arab Spring swept across the Middle East last year, toppling authoritarian regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, while violence still rages on in Syria. Global...
View ArticleVice Blog: VICE Premiere: Helvetia's "Nettles" Video
We are pleased as piss to premiere this video for Helvetia's "Nettles" off of their album Nothing in Rambling, which is available for pre-order now on Joyful Noise. The first 200 people who pre-order...
View ArticleVice Blog: I Hate Kitties
A while back New York design duo Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader asked us if they could make us one of their creepy little fashion videos about a girl beating up a bunch of cats. The offer couldn't have...
View ArticleVice Blog: Question of the Day - Bros Before Hos?
Welcome to Question of the Day. It's time to sort out your priorities. Friends are weird people. I mean, you think they're your pals and then they do something like put their testicles in your beer...
View ArticleVice Blog: Let Them Build a Women-Only City in Saudi Arabia
This Ramadan marked an era of nouveau-feminism in the Middle East, when Maria launched on the airwaves of Egyptian television. As the Mubarak era ended, a group of veiled women started Maria to claim...
View ArticleVice Blog: Shooting Proud, Legal Gun Owners (with a Camera)
There’s been no shortage of appalling gun rampages this summer, considering the shootings at a Toronto mall or backyard BBQ, the Batman shooter in Colorado, or the racist lunatic who shot up a Sikh...
View ArticleVice Blog: Fantasy Football Draft Prep, Part 2 - Fake Running Backs
Fantasy football draft season is upon us and even though no one who’s paid to know this stuff actually knows anything whatsoever about reality, football or fantasy, VICE has been staying up-to-date on...
View ArticleVice Blog: I Tried to Get the Guys Behind the Plus Pool Arrested
Before I identified as a New Yorker, during my salad days on the North Shore of Massachusetts, I fantasized about moving here—the exhausting summer days, narrated by the superfluous chit-chat of...
View ArticleVice Blog: Don't Miss Converse's City Carnage Events
Last month, Converse City Carnage: NYC broke the cardinal rule of New York City events, namely that "free" "events" are usually about as fun as "pilonidal" "cysts." We were there, and what we saw was...
View ArticleVice Blog: Popping: The Social Media Bubble
Facebook’s three-month lockup period (the period after an IPO in which insiders are barred from trading their shares) expired Thursday, and Facebook stock has since plummeted to record lows as...
View ArticleVice Blog: Nas (May) Have Had a Ghost Writer on a Few Songs. Who Gives a Shit?
The American music-listening public has built up this idea of truly great musicians as auteurs, lone geniuses holed up in the studio, translating these beautiful symphonies in their heads to tape...
View ArticleVice Blog: A Three-Way with Stevies Williams, Nicks, and Wonder
My favorite person on my Favorite People of all Time list would have to be Stevie Williams. His skating and style had a huge impact on me during my formative years. I wore gigantic pants, skated...
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