Have you guys heard about “Main Street” and “Wall Street”? In case you haven’t, here’s the rundown: Main Street is filled with plain hardworking folks who go to church and work at factories, while Wall Street has a bunch of evil bankers who literally kill people. Wall Street gets preferential treatment from the government even though all the factories and whatnot who employ the plain folks would be totally fine if all the banks went away. That’s what we hear, anyway.
The other day, New York magazine went out to Main Street and asked the plain folks what they thought about Wall Street. Turns out, they’re against it (and, a bit confusingly, they're Romney supporters). That’s unfair, though. Why only tell one street’s story? So we went out to Wall Street—the real one, in Manhattan—and asked people about Main Street.
VICE: Hi, where is Main Street?
Max: Main and what? You have to give me the intersection. Unless you mean the main street. Then that’s Wall Street. Or do you mean in politics? Because then it’s Washington, DC. That’s the main street. It’s the way to go.
What’s on Main Street?
Wall Street!
Wall Street is in Washington, DC?
What? Sure, OK.
You’ve been very helpful.
Where is Main Street?
Derek: Main? In Manhattan?
Uh, sure…
There isn’t a Main Street. I guess you could consider Broadway a main street. That would be like one of the major streets.
What do you think of when I say “Main Street”?
I guess something ordinary, not too exotic. It’s something that’s common.
What’s on Main Street?
The bank, the post office. I would think it’s someplace where people come together. I guess you could call it a center of community. I’d say it would be a street like Broadway, because that’s like the main artery of Manhattan. That’s my idea of a main street.
Where is Main Street?
Frodrick: A main street? In New York? I don’t know. But we would like to know too, so we can go see it. We just got here.
Where are you from?
Do you know what Main Street is?
Yana: There is a Main Street in every city in America. All American cities have a Main Street. It’s everywhere.
OK, what’s on Main Street?
I guess normal regular people who are busy working.
Where is Main Street?
Valerie: We’re not from here.
That’s OK. You can still answer.
Melanie: I think it’s Broadway, because it goes from one end to the other.
What kinds of people are on Main Street?
Valerie: Crazy people like me! And Spiderman is also there. And SpongeBob, too.
But he lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Valerie: No, he’s on Broadway. I don’t know why, but he’s there.
Do you know where Main Street is?
Igor: No, but ask me another question. What’s supposed to be there?
You’re supposed to tell me that.
Oh, like in general? There is Main Street and there is Wall Street. Main Street is the rest of America and Wall Street is where business is. Main Street is blue collar, and Wall Street is white collar. Sit down! I’ve got all day.
OK, what do you want to say?
Is there a Main Street in New York? I don’t think so. That tells you something, doesn’t it? Main Street produces stuff, and Wall Street doesn’t really produce anything. They just make money out of money. Both of them are taken to the extreme. For example, I’m against people who are protesting against my job and me—I work on Wall Street—but whatever, it’s a free country. I can see they have issues with excess, but they cannot just generalize and say, “Kill the rich! Throw them in the ocean; let’s all be poor and smoke pot.”
Where is Main Street?
Bart: I’m not from here.
That’s fine. What’s on Main Street?
A lot of stores. I don’t know where Main Street is.
What makes Main Street Main Street?
There are stores and restaurants. There are some dress stores. There are a lot of people: American, Chinese, from every city. Maybe people who work.
Previously - Chicks Before Dicks?