It’s kind of hard to know what to talk to King Tuff about. It seems like a guy made up of hair, gold teeth, and sweat, who can make girls dance like the Pied Piper of haircuts may be resonating on a different conversation frequency. But when I got him on the phone, it was nice to see he's not that different from the rest of us. He loves koalas, weed, and making awesome music. Well, maybe he stands apart a little on the last point.
He’s heading to Australia next month to tour his reissued album Was Dead. For dates and tickets, click here.
VICE: King Tuff what’s up?
King Tuff: Doing the same thing.
Are you doing anything to prepare for Australia?
I’m buying some sunglasses, the kind that clip onto regular glasses.
Do you have a good wink for the beach babes?
Yeah, I got a good wink. I’m good with my eyebrows too.
It’s really all about the eyebrows. Is Australia a country built by criminals or cuddles?
Australia seems like a pretty cuddly place. You got the goddamn koala for God's sakes! That’s like the cuddliest animal ever.
Yeah but they smell like shit. Still cuddly though.
That sounds just like me! I always thought a koala was my spirit animal.
They shit everywhere and spend all day getting stoned off eucalyptus trees?
Yeah. When I was a kid there was a show called The Little Koala or some shit. Have you seen it?
Our koalas are mostly caramel. What was the show about?
It was just a show about a little kola chillin’ all over the place, I always had a real connection to that.
Some of your music is getting reissued, that’s exciting.
Yeah my first record, Was Dead, is getting put out by my friends at Burger Records, and I’m super psyched. Those guys put out my cassette and sold a bunch of them over the years and really helped me out in a lot of different ways so its cool that they’re doing it, and I can have my record because people are constantly asking me for it. It will be nice to be able to give it back to them.
Nice. So you’re King Tuff, what else are you king of?
I’m king of not knowing the answers to questions.
Very mysterious. How much weed are you going to smoke in Australia?
I don’t know. Do they have weed there?
Well, if you go to England or something they don’t really smoke weed there, not saying you guys are England. But you never know about other countries, you never know what it’s like. I’ll probably smoke it if someone gives it to me. Like, I’m not going to shoot myself if they don’t have any. I’m the kind of guy that can imagine I’m high, so that’s usually what I do. It’s all about the mental smoking. I’m a master of self-stimulation. I mean what else is life about?
Rolling around like a koala stimulating every day?
Rollin' around in crocodile shit.