You like art stuff, right? I mean, you enjoy having that feeling that comes about when your eyes see something pretty and/or challenging and then it's like your cells took a vitamin? Me too.
There's an exciting art show happening in Venice, California later this month that you should mark down somewhere. I'm giving you all advance notice on it so you can buy a shirt. I know you need to buy a shirt.
Here's the blurb I liked best from the press release for the event:
"Disillusioned with modern day society's acceptance of violence, profanity, and taboo, we find ourselves floating in a proverbial "Sea of Blasphemy", where little, these days, is considered sacred or shocking. Banality gives way to a sick sort of freedom, to explore and experiment, through art, the true meaning of right and wrong, scared and evil, subconscious and reality. Four of today's most talented contemporary artists are put to the test of complacency-among-chaos, revealing surprisingly vibrant, thoughtful, and even jovial narratives in the form of art, for this engaging exhibit."